Chapter 20

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Damn, I didn't think I'd get to chapter 20 on this book lmfao and 500 reads?! Thank you guys so much for all your support... It means a lot to me. Also, this song literally does not relate to this chapter, but like meh I like it. On a happier note, SPRING BREAK HAS BEGUN. I REPEAT. SPRING BREAK HAS BEGUN. LIke, I acc like school, but this has been the first holiday I have acc been waiting for because school is more stressful now, I acc have things (hobbies) I wanna pursue during this break, such as writing more, and stuff... And, also, I was wondering what y'all think about audiobooks. I haven't read one before (listened to one?) but I really want to... Is there any site you'd recommend, or something? I'm lowkey kinda lost. Okay, now, back to the story.

Harry's POV

Life goes on. Even if you don't want it to, you have to hold on. Otherwise, life will go on without you. And so, I had to pretend to be fine. Put on that mask, and keep my wounds on the inside.

So I went to lessons. I looked everyone in the eye, even though I didn't want to. Even Draco. Especially Draco. Something in me wanted to prove to myself that I could look at him and not feel the heartbreak wash over me again, as fresh as ever.

Of course, I never could.

But that wasn't the point.

At first, when I looked into Draco's beautiful eyes- They still were breathtaking, of course. Even if the heart that was portrayed in those eyes no longer belonged to me- all I could see was pain. That pain... I wondered if it had been because of me. Once, I had almost asked him. Almost forgiven him. I allowed myself to think that maybe I had been wrong

But then, all at once, I realized how foolish I was, when the look in his eyes changed. It turned from sad, to glazed over. Almost happy. I wanted to describe the look as starstruck, but I knew that wasn't it...

All I knew was that he was happy. Happy without me. Maybe my pain had impacted him in some way before, but now...

I didn't let myself to think of the alternative.

Perhaps that pain had never been for me at all.

I hated to notice it, but Draco seemed to be looking at Ginny an awful not. He had not done that before when we were... Together. Or had he?

I found that I hardly knew him anymore, in reality.

I didn't let myself think of what it meant, really. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

Until one day, I found him holding a rose. It was in the gardens, and I had gone for a walk to clear my head of a migraine.

And I saw him. His beautiful silhouette, his breathtaking hair, illuminated in the moonlight...

And he was holding a rose. Holding it as if it were the most precious thing he had ever seen- Or that he was thinking of giving it to someone important to him.

I was so stupid.

So, so stupid.

My heart gave an involuntary leap as I watched the way his face was lit up when he loked at that flower.

And for some reason, now beyond me, I came to the conclusion that he was picking it for me. That he had done this to apologize, that it had all been a huge misunderstanding, and that he wants to explain everything to me.

So I walked up to him. I didn't know what I was going to say, but it certainly wasn't what I uttered.

"Who's that rose for?" I asked, then clapped a hand over my mouth. Even if it was for me, it wasn't very damn polite asking him. But, in hindsight, I thought bitterly, I needn't have worried.

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