Christmas Special

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Hey guys! Today is Christmas, and so I want to wish you all a great day with friends and family, joy and happiness. Today I decided to do some fluff, completely separate from the story. Just some Drarry fluff to hopefully bring some smiles on your faces. In my story, there will be something else happening on Christmas that is important for them, but right now its just completely different, nothing to do with my storyline whatsoever. This would, in fact, be placed after all the angst and such, etc. This will be after they have graduated, but, again, is not following anything that I have planned for my story. So, I hope you enjoy!

Draco's POV

I woke up early today. I had made sure to set an alarm clock, only audible to my ears, for five. Much earlier than Harry would wake up, I knew, and when I looked over to my left, I saw his beautiful face still placid. I smiled to myself, resisting the urge to fluff up his hair. I rubbed my eyes, yawning. Both of us weren't morning people, me even less so. But this was the least I could do for him after he'd been working so hard. 

I grinned to myself; this was going to be epic.

Slowly, I tiptoed across the room to the packages I had hidden in my closet; the one place Harry was not allowed to go. Then I unwrapped the stockings, which were placed on top, and hung them atop the mantle. I had been recently watching some muggle (Draco is obsessed...) and I knew that this was a tradition that they did, along with a Christmas tree, but we already had that. In my opinion, this kind of seemed stupid, but I knew it would make Harry giddily happy.

I quietly put each of the presents, one by one, into the stocking. They didn't fit, so I waved my wand to expand it. They still kind of overflowed, but it looked nice. Smiling, I admired my handiwork, then set my skills upon the kitchen. I couldn't cook, but what I could do was bake. Nobody knew that not even Harry, but some instinctive part of me knew that this was the time to surprise him.

So I set to work measuring, mixing, tasting, and the like. Finally, I put it into the oven and went to check on Harry, who was, of course, still sleeping. Good. I made a short list of people to call over and grinned, for the first time in years, at myself in the mirror. 

Finally, I was doing something right.

As soon as the cake came out of the oven, I set it to cool and made the fondant and the icing. When I checked the cake, it was perfect, so I frosted and decorated it. The red icing popped whilst the green swirls added a touch of sophistication. I, however, didn't feel the need to be sophisticated, so I rolled some white fondant out and made a snowman, complete with an orange fondant carrot nose, eyes, buttons, and an adorable scarf. Except this one was not the typical shades of green and red. They were different. They were Gryffindor red, and Slytherin green. I didn't know if he would understand what I was trying to imply; our unity; but he hadn't been the Chosen One without reason.

When I admired my handiwork from afar. I checked the time. 7:40. I bit my lip worriedly and owled all the people on the list, informing them that this was a surprise party and that everyone should come secretly, without telling people, and they should definitely hide from Harry. This was to be small gathering, so I only invited the Weasel, or, rather, Ron, as I sometimes addressed him, Hermione (she insisted I stop calling her Granger once Harry and I got married), who were now married, Pansy and Blaise, who were apparently still best friends, but they lived together, so... I didn't know, and Crabbe and Goyle, who regularly kept in touch with me, but as far as I knew, they hadn't seen one another in years. It seemed kind of odd because I felt like I was forgetting someone. Ah. Of course. The Weaselette. After debating for a while, I decided to invite her and Luna Lovegood, as they seemed to be best friends now, or so I had heard Hermione tell Harry. There was no way I was inviting Astoria. She was married to someone from the Wizarding world, but I didn't know who it was and didn't care to. Then I, after sudden insight, invited Fred and George Weasley (Fred is not dead. I refuse.), knowing that they would add excitement to the party, and I knew that Harry would be happy to see them once more.

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