Chapter 11

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I haven't listened to this song in so long... This song is just for the first part of the chapter but I'm too lazy to find a second... Just sayin', if you like Ginny, you might want to just go over *gestures to as far away from this fanfic as possible*

Harry's POV

"What's the deal?" a voice hissed in my ear as soon as I got out of the classroom. I whirled, to come face-to-face with a seething Hermione. "With you and Ginny? Who's the other person?"

I noticed that she didn't say "girl". Well, she was the smartest witch of our generation for a reason. Suddenly, I could no longer stand it. Hermione and Ron, the people I had gone through the most with were furious with me over something so trivial as love. 

"I did... meet someone. But they are not the reason for all of this... I... I just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't lying to her when I said she could do better. The thing between us... It was just a childhood crush grown into something else, nothing more..." I trailed off, seeing the sudden softening in Hermione's brown eyes.

"I can forgive you, Harry. But I can't forget," she whispered, and I nodded, hating that I had put her in this position. Hated that, the one time I put myself first, I hurt the ones I loved most. But then a small smile lifted the corners of her lips. "Would you tell me who it is? I will not tell anyone..."

I could tell she was asking, not for the gossip, but for my own safety, and her assessment. Of course, she would be the overprotective friend here- but I had nothing against that- quite the contrary.

"Well... He doesn't want anyone to know." I murmured, letting her know what was the most vital part. Her eyes widened, but not with surprise or shock. I could see she had suspected for a while but had thought it not polite to ask.

What had I done to deserve a friend like her?

"I know who it is, of course." Her typical know-it-all manner that had saved me so many times came into play. "And, it'll be a change, but as long as he makes you happy... I'm okay with it. And Ron would be too... He would just need some getting used to. As we all do-" I didn't know how she'd guessed that, but, again, she was respected for her intellect for a reason. 

I cast pleading eyes towards her. "Don't tell him. Please. I can tell he is still mad, as you were before. Just let things cool down."

She looked at me skeptically but nodded. "I'll respect your wishes."

"Thanks, 'Mione." I smiled, and after a brief hesitation, threw my arms around her. It was good to have her back, at least. "And... Can you try to get Ron to hate me less?"

"Oh, Harry." she sighed. "You've hurt him, but you know him- He'll overreact then feel horrible afterward..."

I nodded. "Well, anyway. Just... Try." I then made my way to my next lesson, which I believe was Transfiguration. I hate the desperation in my voice, but the truth was, I missed Ron. He'd been a steady friend- well, except in Fourth Year, but... He'd always been there for me, and I had taken that for granted.

Stupid, stupid me.


The next few hours passed without incident until Ginny came up to me. I could tell she had gotten over her "broken" phase. Even though that could mean nothing good for me, I was glad. I hated seeing her so torn up because of me. 

"Harry James Potter." she spat. I didn't know what it was with people saying my full name when they were mad. Was it so that I would remember my father and feel saddened all over again? Because, if so... It wasn't the most effective way to make me depressed. But then she continued. "You made a mistake. I'm giving you one more shot to come back to me because whoever you left me for is not worth it." 

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