Chapter 21 (LAST CHAPTER) + A/N

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So guys, I know, I said I'd do an April Fool's thing, even though it is late. But I'm not. I just really want to get on with the last chapter, I guess... But I have an announcement. So,  I'm working on other books right now, both of which are not published yet, but I wanted to let y'all know what they'll be, and if you guys will be interested. Read to the end of the chapter, where I'll be talking about it. But guys, this is the last chapter! I know I've said it already, but wahhhhhhhhh I'm having withdrawal symptoms already. 

Okay, I'll stop stalling and get on with this...

Harry's POV

I thought that I was hurting before. But every day, I saw Draco trailing after Ginny with a look of... Well, the look he used to give me. Love, I guess. Ginny, to her credit, didn't appreciate it. Kept waving him away. Once, I overheard their conversation. I didn't think they knew I was listening, so what they said- What he said turned my stomach even more. 

"C'mon, Ginny. Give me a chance." he whispered, and Ginny seemed to shake her head.

"You hurt Harry. So stop following me around." she snapped, and I swear, at that moment, I could have kissed her.

"Harry wasn't worth your time, nor mine," Draco replied- I mean Malfoy. He had to be Malfoy again. I thought my heart couldn't shatter anymore, but it did. That was the thing. Just when I thought it could not get worse, it did. 

"No, Malfoy. Just go away," she said, but then she walked away, and Malfoy, predictably, followed her. This was becoming his new routine. 

I wish I was numb, that I couldn't feel the pain. But I could. It consumed me, more than I could admit to anyone, even Ron or Hermione.

And Hermione. Suddenly, she was best friends with Ginny, and that shouldn't have bothered me so much- Both Ginny and I were on the same side- hating Draco, right? But it did. For some odd reason, it did. 

I should have somehow done something then, but I didn't. Just watched Ginny and Malfoy walk away together, leaving my heart on the ground.

I didn't eat. I didn't sleep. I didn't think. I couldn't. My body seemed to want to self-destruct, or something. 

I watched Draco get more and more insistent, watched how his eyes didn't even stray over to me. Everyone noticed. It was the talk of the town. I heard things that made me want to puke, that sometimes did make me throw up.

"Seems like Malfoy has a think for Gryffindors."

"I thought he was gay? I guess he tried it, but Harry wasn't up to the mark..."

They went on and on. I knew that they weren't meant to be spiteful, but every remark hit me in the heart like daggers. 

One day, I couldn't take it anymore. It just wasn't worth it. I'd put my trust in someone, and they'd laughed at it. Stomped on it. Ron? He was friends with me, but superficially. It didn't mean anything anymore- I was sure Hermione had put him up to it. Speaking of which, Hermione didn't seem to hang out with Ron or me anymore. It was all about Ginny.

Ginny seemed like the only person who gave a damn about me. So, I wrote her a note. A heads-up, so that she'd be clear. I couldn't think about it too long, so I only wrote a line:

Dear Ginny,

What I'm going to do is not because of you. 



I almost put "love", but then I remembered that I wasn't giving the letter to Draco. Because the fact still was that the only time I'd put "love" on a letter was to Draco. I still wanted him. 

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