Tiny A/N+ Chapter 9

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EYYYYYY IT IS HERE! I don't know my updating schedule yet, but I'll work it out. It's been a while, I hope y'all are amazing... First off, let me say that I found my co-writer for the one-shot book, and she is amazing, go check her out. Her username is digitalclouds and she is awesome... Show her some love on her profile... Okay, now on with it: Yay! It's here... I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter, and I want to let you know of a change I'll be making. In the past, I've written all events from both POV's (important events) but as of now, I will not be doing that. Some chapters will be in Draco's POV, some will be in Harry's, but the events will not be repeated, if that makes any sense. However, I can't resist writing the kiss from Draco's POV, so that'll be the only exception to the rule... (I'm sure I'll break the rule some time or another, but...) So, anyway, sorry for making you wait, but here goes:

Draco's POV

I knew he was avoiding me. I knew I was stupid. And I knew, more than that, that something had to be done on my part. Not only was I a git, but I was also a git that was in love. And though I didn't care about myself, I cared about Harry.

So, I stalked him.

Well, not literally. I didn't follow him where he went- not usually, anyway. But I took note of his absences in the Great Hall, and, in no time, perceived that he went to the library when he should, in fact, have been eating. I knew it was no use trying to tell him to eat because I knew Madam Pomfrey had tried already. 

But, of course, my rational thinking had nothing to do with my decision making. Of course not. So I went to the library one day, knowing full well Harry would be there. I wish that I could say that I went in with a plan, but Malfoys don't need plans. I just hoped, somehow, something would work out.

Something that didn't involve Harry hating me, and more than that, Harry hating himself. 

I'm ashamed to say that I followed Harry. Saw his rat's nest of hair that I so adored and followed it, predictably, to the library. Suddenly, his head jerked up; He'd heard me. Quickly, he darted round some bookshelves. I could still see him, but he was leaning against a bookshelf, jaw slack with grief.

I knew he wanted to be left alone. I'd give him that, for a few minutes at least.

I watched him fall apart at the seams in silence from afar, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I walked over to him, my footsteps echoing loudly in the nearly-empty library. Everyone who wasn't stupid was outside or in the Great Hall.

Well, it turned out I was a fool for Harry. 

I knew the moment he heard my footsteps because alarm registered in his eyes. I couldn't bear that alarm, so I stopped, and by the time I got the courage to move again, he was gone. 

Cursing internally, I decided to look for him and found his nose buried in a book. 

"I know why you're avoiding me, Potter." my voice was rough, even to my ears, and I prayed he could hear the sincerity in it. It was as much variance in tone as I could allow myself without breaking down.

"Just leave me alone." It seemed Harry didn't have any such qualms, as his voice was shaky and weak. "Please."

I hated this. It happened every single time. Every time I tried to love someone, I broke their hearts. 

"Lisen to me... I..." I began to explain myself. 

  "Just leave off me, okay?" he muttered, broken.

"No." I was going to do this, and I was going to do it right. 

"Pardon?" he sounded so surprised it almost made me smile. Except for the fact that he sounded angry as well. Understandably.

"Look, Harry..." his name slipped off my tongue naturally, as if it was always meant to be said that way. 

"Trying to get informal, Malfoy?" his tone was completely bitter, and though it hurt, I knew I deserved it. "I can't deal with this right now." He stood up.

I decided repetition was the way to go. "I know why you're avoiding me." I forced into my gaze all the anguish I felt and directed my stare towards him.

"Why?" he gave up and scrubbed his hand over his face.

"I... There was a misunderstanding. I..." I began, but then he just interrupted me. 

"Yes, I get it. I was abnormally stupid. Good. Great. Rub it in." The prat didn't just- He couldn't be that stupid! He really couldn't think I would do that, not now? But in his eyes, I could see that he knew I was the prat, and that I would be the one capable of doing it.

He wasn't wrong. No matter what I did, I was always the bad guy (guys I was going to say "baddie" to sound British or smth, but then I was like... That would kill the mood lmao).

"No, that's not what I was going to say!" Draco shouted, and my voice broke. "Harry... I ran because I was scared. I didn't know what was happening."  

"I assure you it won't happen again."  his tone was businesslike and unbearably formal. 

"No! Harry. I didn't mean that! I..." I swallowed. Saying this would almost be like giving up everything that I stood for. It would be dishonoring the Malfoy name. But hadn't the Malfoy name dishonored me first? And, I knew no matter what I did, whether I faked it now, and I grew up to marry a pureblood witch or something, it would all come back to him. It had always, and would always be him. I took a deep breath and looked deeply into his emerald orbs (guys... I had to bring back the orbs from a Dramione fanfic or smth I read when I shipped it. Okay I killed the mood oops back to the story). This would be giving up all I knew, but it could also be the start of something. I closed my eyes, and reopened them, not knowing why this was so hard to say. But if there was one thing I didn't do, it was backing away from a challenge. That trait had got me into this stupid thing in the first place, accepting the dare from Pansy. But I had to go through with this. Three simple words (no not "I Love You" lmao). I scratched my neck, an automatic thing I did when I was nervous. "I liked it."  

And then, so help me, I kissed him. I was already going to hell for what I had said, so why not go down a legend? I kissed him softly, a chaste meeting of the lips. And yet, I felt the world shift. I knew he had kissed me before, and that had been a different experience entirely. But this... This was me conceding. Conceding that I was, in fact, in love with a boy. A very specific boy, in fact. Harry fricking Potter. The Chosen One. The Golden Boy. The One Who Lived.

I was in love with him. 

Both of our eyes drifted closed until I felt something heard something fall on Harry's head. It had been utter utopia to be in our own little world, but of course, Harry's clumsiness had to ruin it. Yet another part of him I couldn't stop loving. I have found that when you fall for someone, you can't pick and choose which parts of them you love. It's either all or nothing. 

And loved all of him, even when I nearly growled at Harry for being so damn clumsy, I still wanted to hug him. Wanted to celebrate the fact that I could hug him, perhaps. And he looked so much happier. I hadn't seen that light in his eyes for far too long, and knowing I had given it to him...

I found heat color my cheeks as I looked down, and I heard the librarian clear her throat. We both scurried away, grinning like madmen. 

Yes, I hate myself too. It's so short argh... I'm sorry. But I am releasing fluff as well today because of Valentine's Day. Oh yeah, almost forgot lmao... Happy Valentine's Day. No matter who you are with, today or any other day, you are amazing. I am living my Valentine's Day through Dray and Harreh so... Yeah. I hope you enjoyed though, and I hope you enjoy the fluff...

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