Chapter 10

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So... Right now, I have holidays... It started on the fourteenth and will end on the twenty-fourth. So... I think right now I have more time to write, but I believe I'm going to do it twice a week, and hopefully pretty long. Because I do not think I would be able to make it quality content otherwise lmfao. So, I am yet to definitely decide the days, but I think what I shall do are Tuesday and Friday... I know it's not very balanced, but those are the only two days I'm really free. Honestly, it'll probably change because I'm not sure how it will work out but... Yeah. Also, you know, blonde Troye Sivan looks like Dray. Especially in Bloom, the song. Just saying...

Harry's POV

I didn't know what to do, but I knew that whatever Draco and I had was too precious to muck around with. Part of me felt like if I thought about it- his smile, his kiss- Just him- that he would disappear and I would realize that it was just my imagination.

"Why are you smiling, Harry?" Ron bit at me, still, of course, mad about the Ginny thing. Not that I could blame him, of course. Hermione too stared at me with hostility in her usually warm eyes, but she said nothing. 

"Wouldn't you like to know." I knew it was a childish answer, but to be honest, I couldn't care less. I flounced up from the Common Room to the dorm, and just laid in my bed, thinking of... Well, everything. His hair, his eyes... Sooner or later, I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I immediately realized that it was the first time in a while that I hadn't woken up screaming.

I hadn't had a nightmare.

I think it was then that I realized how much of me Draco held. If a simple kiss could chase my nightmares away... That meant he could also break me. But the thing about liking someone, or... Or loving them was that you would break yourself for the other person. You would trust them enough, even if they broke you... That it would be worth it. 

I knew, instinctively, I wouldn't be able to let him go. I knew it was selfish, but... Somehow, he was making it all go away. The nightmares, the sleepless nights...

I got out of bed slowly and checked the time. 6:30. I grinned and walked to the Great Hall. People didn't miss the fact that I was walking in alone. Me, the Golden Boy, the Boy Who Lived, didn't have an entourage. But as soon as I caught Draco's eye, I knew that a posse wasn't important. Having one person was enough. 

Confidently, I sat at the Gryffindor table to broken, livid, and enraged stares from Ginny, Ron, and Hermione respectively. I didn't know what to do, so I just turned to Dean and Seamus and began talking to them, not missing the fact that Fred and George's normally lighthearted smiles were now forced. 

It was odd- We had been through so much together- not just Hermione, Ron, and I, but the rest of us Gryffindors as well. So how could a simple thing destroy all of the bonds that we made?

It was simple. Because of love. The love Ron felt for Ginny, the love Hermione felt for Ron. So then, was there anybody dumb enough to love me?

As if on cue, Draco Malfoy walked into the Great Hall, smirking as usual. There was a spring to his step, a shine to gaze. Could I be narcissistic enough to think it was because of me?

Breakfast passed without incident, and I soon picked myself up and steadied myself for the coming Potions class. I used to be able to rely on Hermione, Ron, and Ginny to help me get through Snape's taunts. But now... It was my fault that they only gave me hostile stares.

I had always been the Golden Boy, the Chosen One. I was never hated. Except by Draco... But that was different. Ron, Hermione... We'd been best friends. Now, they hated me. And that somehow hurt more.

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