Chapter 19

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I really love this song... I mean, I love Shawn songs Siempre (always) but this one... I mean, it is a different style from his usual... When I looked at the title, I was like... SO CUTE... and then I listened... And I was like damn. So listen to it... TRIGGER WARNING. I mean, the trigger is that if you like Ginny, please do not read this chapter because, well... yeah, nope. But, other than that, I'm lowkey kinda proud of this chapter, because I really despise Ginny... I feel like (hopefully) it wasn't written too badly, and its a good amount, though I am unsure at this point of time.

Draco's POV

When I didn't see Harry for the next few days, I knew something had really gone sour- It hadn't been an off-day when I saw him refusing to see me. I couldn't even corner him. After all, I hardly saw him. I mean, I saw him... As in, when I slept and was able to dream. But in the real world? In the real world, I didn't see him. I couldn't convince him to see me- I had messed up.

What had I done? What on Earth had I done?

I walked around in a haze of confusion, not answering when people asked what was wrong. I mean, not many people asked. Pansy did, so did Blaise.

But then I overheard Granger and the She-Weasel talking.

"... Can't believe Malfoy would do that to Harry." Granger was saying. "Harry was- Is in love with him. He was so in love- I'd never seen him like that. Not even with you, Ginny. I'd never seen him so happy... You don't mind me saying that, right? You're over him?"

When the She-Weasel spoke, it was barely a whisper. "No, 'Mione. Don't you get it? Don't you get it? I still love him. Why do you think I told Harry about it? It actually isn't even that important, to be completely honest. I mean, really? Not something worth breaking up over- Or whatever Harry and Malfoy are right now. But I deserve Harry. Not Malfoy."

My throat closed. What had I done that that stupid, idiotic She-Weasel had blown out of proportion?

"Ginny, we have to tell him," Granger answered. "Malfoy, I mean. He doesn't even know what he's done wrong, the poor bloke. And, really... You should tell Harry too. You should make it right, whatever you told him. Don't you understand? It isn't about who he ends up with. It'is about his happiness. And, Ginny, you know you're a really close friend of mine, and I'd never want to hurt you... But what you did now? You just created unhappiness for Harry. You couldn't see the light in his eyes when he was with Malfoy? You didn't see how much he loved him?"

All at once, I felt an appreciation for Granger so strong that my knees threatened to give out. What had Harry been told?

But then what the She-Weasel said froze me in my tracks. Froze me, not from fear, but rage. Undying, complete, rage.

"Malfoy probably brewed a love potion. After all, it was simply a drunken dare. Yeah, maybe Harry was happy... But I can make him happier." her voice was like nails on a chalkboard, I decided. I hated it. I never wanted to hear it again. And that was what it had to be about. Somehow, the She-Weasel had figured out how this had originated.

And had used it against me.

I wanted to walk up to her and snap her head off with my bare hands, but I knew that would do nothing but get me expelled. (get him dead. Or worse, expelled.)

"Ginny! Do you not get it? He was happy. You have the power to bring it back. If you love him, or ever loved him, you would want him to be happy. Isn't that what you want?" She was shouting now, and I was glad of it because otherwise, I might have just jumped out from where I was standing, and wreaked havoc upon the stupid deluded She-Weasel.

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