A/N (Oh, don't we all love these???)

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Wait, wait, wait... I know everyone's like "wtf, another goddamn A/N? Doesn't she have enough to say already?????" but I have a question to ask... So, I recently finished The Selection, and I was like, damn, this is good. But you know what would make it better?


So, obviously, I put aside all other less important things, like revision, and school, and began writing a bit of it... Of course, I only did it in my spare time, which I don't have a lot of, so I haven't even written the first chapter yet. Yes, I know, pathetic. And why am I telling you this? Because it is something that, in the future, I would love to share with the Wattpad community, when it is at a substantial point. 

More importantly, it would have to be after this story is finished. I'm not going to give up on this story- I spent nights aplenty writing for no reason. 

However, I really want to share my Harry Potter/ Drarry and The Selection Crossover. So, because people who are up to this point probably know my writing style, I ask, do you think I should do it? 

Note that this would be way in the future, as in... Well, whenever this finishes, and when I get enough time to dedicate effort into the story. So, in a while. Definitely, in more than a month's time, I believe, though I wouldn't know.

So, bottom line, do you think I should write/post one? Would y'all read it? Does it sound good only to me? All I can ask is that you be honest, because... Yeah. Don't put my feelings into the equation. 

Look forward to the chapter on Thursday!!!! I'd love to say "oh my god, so much happens in the chapter, and it was fun to write" but... I haven't written it yet. Meh, it goes up on Friday. I can wait.

Oh, the joys of student procrastination :) 

Have a great day!


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