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Before I start. let me say I AM NOT DISCONTINUING THE BOOK, NOR AM I PUTTING IT OFF. It will start again in the second week of February, as I said before. I actually made this A/N to ask a question. After this book is over, I am thinking of doing a bunch of one-shots. Like a book of them. Just some fluff, or some angsty scenes. I want to do it, but am unsure if that is the right thing to do at the moment. Of course, this will be way in the future, as in once I finish this book, and so on, but I was thinking about it. Please do let me know. Oh, and just another suggestion, if anyone would like me to do one-shots, then requests are open, and if I am writing a one-shot book, I'll probably need a co-writer, in case anyone's interested... Thanks so much, and comment below what you think! Have a great day!


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