Chapter 5

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Guys, I know this song doesn't really represent this chapter, but it was the best I could do XD. Happy New Year's Eve I hope that you have a great day with all your friends and family, and though I won't be posting tomorrow, on the first, I may post today again, hopefully... 

 Harry's POV

The next few days were fine, I guess, I didn't see any of Malfoy, though I couldn't say if that was a good thing or not. Ron and Hermione and a few others asked what had happened to my arm, and I just said"Quidditch". Then Ron looked guiltily away because he had bailed, but I smiled to show him it was fine. I still didn't know why Draco had done that for me, but I wanted to really thank him. However, I knew that he wouldn't respond to it very well. I had been thinking about this again when Hermione tried to get my attention. Unwisely, I remained in a state of accidental ignorance. 

"Harry!" she yelled into my ear, and I jumped. 

"What is it, Hermione?" I asked, a little annoyed.

"I want to talk to you about Ginny," she told me, and I internally facepalmed. I couldn't really care less about Ginny right now, but I had to pretend I did. Because there was nobody else I could say took her place in my heart, was there? At least, I didn't think there was, but... With the sudden random feelings I was having, anything could be possible, really. But I nodded and turned towards her. 

"What about her, 'Mione?"

"She says you've been avoiding her, Harry. Is that right?"

Ugh. Seriously? Could she be any more self-absorbed? But then I immediately felt bad for thinking that; I mean, it wasn't her fault she was overly intuitive. So I just shook my head quickly, looking appalled.

"Come on, 'Mione." I snapped. "You know I wouldn't do that."

She just shrugged. "I'm just repeating what Ginny told me."

"Well, why didn't she tell me herself?" I raised an eyebrow in challenge, and I saw Hermione begin to get cross (guys I'm not even British, I'm just trying to sound it...).

"Look, Harry, I'm just the go-between. All I'm trying to say is that she feels like you're avoiding her, and wants you to be honest with her." Hermione's voice showed concern for Ginny, and for the first time I felt... Separate. As if I didn't belong. Hermione must've seen it on my face, though I tried to mask it because she smiled at me.

"Nothing personal, Harry." I nodded listlessly and she sighed. "Look, Harry. I care about you. But I also care about Ginny. She is my friend as well, and I want to assure that both of you are happy. I don't know why she didn't tell you herself, but I'm just trying to have both of your backs, okay?"

I nodded, a little sheepish. "Okay. But tell her if she has something to say to me, then next time, I'd appreciate it greatly if she didn't send someone else, and actually told me herself."

I was guessing my tone came off a bit harsh by Hermione's rolling of the eyes, but I knew Hermione would understand. She nodded and left me in peace. Well, outside peace. There was a war raging in my head. 

That night, I could not sleep. At all. It wasn't even just having trouble falling asleep. It was just the fact that I wasn't tired. Which I should have been, giving the fact that I could barely think. But I wasn't sleepy. Not even close. Giving up, I just got out of bed and remembered to take my invisibility cloak this time. Perhaps a walk would dull my racing head (I don't know what that sentence means, but just roll with it) and give me a chance to taste the sweetness of sleep.

So I slipped out of bed, barely processing what was around me, and set out.

Draco's POV

The next day passed by as normal, me snubbing Harry as much as I should, but not seeing much of him. I noticed at the Great Hall that his arm was healing, and that made me smile. Smile in my head, at least. My insomnia seemed to be getting better, and I could sleep for a full two hours, but I still felt as if something were... Wrong. The calm before the storm, as they say. 

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