Chapter 17

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This song is one I found relatively recently, and I know there are a lot of songs that I could choose, but this song just seemed to... Idk, vibe with the chapter. But I also just really like the song, and yeah. I was trying not to put on a Shawn Mendes song... SUCCESS. If you guys are allergic to cringe angst, you might want to skip this chapter, because that's all it is, really. That's all the book is, actually, lmao. Seriously, though, please don't be very harsh. I spent ages writing this, and though I'm going to be very self-deprecating about it, please don't kill me in the comments- Wait that sounds nice. Killed in the Comments. That sounds... Like, not nice, but a good title. According to me, anyway. Ah, I love going on a tangent. Here you go:

Harry's POV

The next few weeks were fine and relatively normal. Nothing much happened, and that was fine with me. After all, when things happened to me, it usually ended up with me wanting to crawl into a hole and die.

One day, I was sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room, on a couch, reading a book, wishing I could go out onto the Quidditch pitch. In fact, I had been just about to stand up- to hell with the rules- and go outside, to feel the fresh air on my face. The pages of the book were beginning to suffocate me with their words (said no good fangirl ever).

Suddenly, Ginny's face came into my view, stricken with grief. Her voice trembled as she spoke, and it took me a while to realize that the voice was directed at me.

"Harry?" she asked, and I hadn't heard her. When she repeated it, I jerked upwards and nodded quickly.

"Yeah?" I asked, already dreading what she had to say, scared by the sympathetic look on her face.

"I think I have some information that you do not know and would want to hear," she whispered, and I could see the fear in her eyes. When I asked her to go on, she took a deep breath, as if preparing for something.

"Well, I found... Well, I overheard a conversation between Pansy and Blaise... Regarding you and Draco." she whispered, and I looked at her, startled. Then, she continued, and I wished she hadn't. "They... THey said... 'Draco's doing very well with the plan'. That's what Pansy said. Then Blaise kind of... Chuckled, horribly, and said "Yeah, Harry's quite smitten, isn't he? He'll be so crushed when he figures out that it was a drunken dare.'" Ginny spat out as if the words were acid.

For a second, it didn't register what was said, and then I realized.

Draco had been lying.

Toying with me.

I stood up abruptly, knowing a breakdown was coming. My mind was deathly calm, my heart still beating. But I knew all that would shatter in 3...2...1...

I got to my dorm just in time and slid to the floor, gasping. This had just been a game. One too many glasses of firewhiskey- None of this had been real. Each kiss had been a joke to him- He hadn't realized I'd put my heart on the line. That I had given it to him. Worse, he realized it- And laughed at it.

I didn't realize I was sobbing until I couldn't breathe anymore, and my vision began swimming. A panic attack. My hands became clammy, and my throat closed up.

I hadn't meant anything. Not to him, or anyone. It had been a joke. Something so inconsequential that it was laughable. I should have known better.

Even all the tender moments we'd shared had probably been planned out in the midst of laughter about my foolishness.

How could this happen? The one time I had been truly free with my heart, and let it out of its cage that I had kept it in for so long, it got shattered. Broken. Fragmented.

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