Chapter 6

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This only has a little dto do with the chapter, but yay! P!ATD... Guys, I have no clue what I'm doing. Just putting it out there... I mean, I feel too bored to write, but I'll give it a shot anyway, because, well, I have nothing better to do.

Harry's POV

It was one of those nights where we were walking around. I was just basking in the... closeness of him when it happened. It must have been the first time I was completely unaware when it was going to strike.

But it did.

It began with the overwhelming jumping of the pulse, and the short breaths that came in pants. And then I kneeled over and didn't stop the tears from flowing. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I that just snuck up on me, but I knew it was a panic attack. And I didn't care if he saw. It must have been something external, a trigger, or something, that made it flare up. But I couldn't stop it. I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I didn't have the time to contemplate why he was trying to comfort me. I didn't have the time to appreciate the gesture. No. Instead, I felt the fist of panic close around my throat. I had no choice but to lay there, waiting for the waves to ebb away. 

When they finally did, I opened my eyes to see Draco standing there. I almost saw a tear in his eye, but then he turned away from me. 

"I..." I started. I couldn't bear this. This... Sympathy that came from within him. "I'm fine."

He, with a quickness I hadn't anticipated, whipped around, his eyes shaken, mouth trembling as if he were the one about to break down. "No, Harry. You're not fine!" he almost shouted. 

"You called me Harry." I blinked, not listening to whatever else he was saying. "You called me Harry," I repeated, mostly to myself.

He opened his mouth, eyes still ablaze with passion, and then closed it again. He ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair. 

"Yeah..." he said slowly. "I guess I did."

I didn't know what was happening. What had happened. But I knew that it was much more preferable to what we usually did, which was fight, fight, and fight some more. 

"Don't get used to it, though, Potter," he warned me and I swallowed at the hate in his voice. I hadn't dared my hopes to get up for what it would mean for us, so they weren't too crushed when he said that. And yet, it still hurt. A lot.

I rolled my eyes, or, at least, attempted to. Then I got up off the floor and looked at him. 

And then I walked off, resolving to pretend nothing ever happened. And praying that he wouldn't tell anyone.


I didn't know if I would come again. I didn't want to see him again, didn't want to face him; his sneer. I dealt with it on a daily basis, but around other people, he didn't talk about it, so at least there was that. But I knew if I went, he would act scornfully about it. And I couldn't take that. I may have been stronger at one point, but, Godric help me, I couldn't take it. So I didn't go. Except I began to miss it. And him. Not that we talked, but I missed for his presence. I wanted to go back, but I couldn't bring myself to.

Until one day. It was a day that, usually, would have been amazing for me- I didn't have a single class with Draco. I mean, it would have been sad in a way, because I didn't get to see him, but then relieving for the same reason. But somehow, that day was a whole lot worse. Ginny kept trying to invade my personal space, and I don't think she understood the meaning of "not now.", and Ron kept looking at me as if to say, why are you being like this to my sister?

Which he did ask me, once lessons were over.

"What's wrong with you, mate?" there was a fury in his eyes that I had never seen. It didn't look good on him.

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