Chapter 4

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Guys tbh this song is really sad, and I kind of cry every single time I hear it... So I'm sorry Also, I had written this before, but my Word decided to play up, or rather, my computer did, and so I lost it all. So this is probably going to be rushed, and I apologize, but...

Draco's POV

I was on my own, as usual. I was walking down the corridor to my dorm when I caught sight of someone playing Quidditch... By themselves? Curiosity piqued, I watched them closely. It was Harry. But what shook me was the joy in his mesmerizing green eyes that I hadn't seen since the war. The wind ruffled his hair, and I saw his cheeks were pink with ecstasy. I watched him for a minute, or maybe an hour, I didn't know.

Until he was upon the Snitch, but he turned and I saw recognition flutter in his eyes. But the fact that he was looking at me meant that he wasn't watching where he was going.

And I saw what was coming before he did.

I ran outside, not caring who saw.

I was too slow. I wouldn't be able to get there in time...

He hit the tree that was in front of him with a sickening sound, and I knew I was too far to catch him. He fell, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I ran to him, surveying the damage, heart in my throat. Nononononononononono... I couldn't believe this was happening... Luckily, I saw nothing but the unnatural twist of his arm.

I was no doctor, but I knew it was broken. That realization was what made me pick him up. It was the fastest way to get the hospital wing after all. I didn't care who saw anymore, and, besides, there was nobody there.

I breathed in the scent of his musky shampoo. I could feel his heartbeat against my own chest, and I relished the sound. I tried to be fast, I really did.

Tried because, although I wanted him to get to medical help quickly, I needed just a few more moments to hold him like this. I knew it was the only chance I'd get.

But then I had to hand him over, and I explained briefly what happened. She nodded, thankfully not asking any questions, just taking him. I knew I should go back to my dorm, but  I couldn't resist. I had to check if he'd be ok.

So I listened in, and almost fainted with relief when she said he'd be fine. But four different places? His arm was broken in four different places? Then he asked about me incredulously, and my heart hurt at his surprise. And then began the screaming, his primal shouts, unlike anything I had ever heard. They struck me to my very soul. Then a chilling silence.

I heard her tell him she was done, and then she warned him that he wouldn't be able to use his wand for a while, and he didn't say anything, seemingly lost in thought. I sensed that he would be coming out soon, so I raced to find my "friends", who asked where I had been. I just told them something vague, and we began discussing something or the other. Suddenly, there came a light tapping on the shoulder, and even if the people whom I was with didn't make faces, I'd have known who it was. 

I managed not to shudder at his touch, but instead turned around and spat in his face. "What do you want, Potter?" I flinched at the harshness of my own tone but managed to keep my facade on.

He then proceeded to thank me, and my heart constricted at the genuineness in his eyes, and his voice. I decided I'd have to mock him, and I couldn't just tell him he was welcome; my friends were still here. So I taunted him and braced myself for the pain that was sure to flicker in his eyes, and thus be mirrored in my heart.

It came.

He responded with a balk and telling me that he was simply thanking me for bringing him to Madam Pomfrey. I knew nobody knew about this, and I needed to keep it that way. I was sure he wanted to as well. So I just narrowed my eyes and told him I had no clue what he was talking about. I saw hurt flash in his eyes, but there was something like understanding there as well. He nodded his head and turned around to go to his dorm.

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