Chapter 13

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The song is great... Listen to it... Please XD Hey guys! I'm so excited for this chapter because... The date is happening! Yay! *is excited*. But really, I hope you enjoy this little thing, and that it isn't too bad... It's quite long, I think (by my standards... It'll probably take two seconds to read, but it took quite a while to write, so...). Anyway, regardless of everything, you enjoy this chapter!

Harry's POV

I woke up the next day, not remembering why I was so excited. Reaching for my glasses, I accidentally touched a piece of parchment, which brought me back to the day before.

I was going on a date. And not just a date, either.

A date with Draco Malfoy.

I sprang out of bed and had a smile for everyone, even Ron and Ginny. Hermione immediately knew something had happened, and came over to ask what it was. When I told her what I did, she squealed, in a very Pansy-like manner.

Seeing her so happy for me warmed my heart more than I could put into words. It made me think about how important friends were, which made me think of Ron. Ron, who had been beside me for so long, and now, I felt as if we were on different sides of the road- But we could never cross it.

Shaking that thought from my head, I finished my lessons in a daze, not paying attention at all. Even Snape noticed, but he didn't seem to bother me.

Maybe he did have compassion, after all. (I feel like all the Snape stans are gonna be like mad asf, but lemme say I don't hate him... I don't really have an opinion on him)

When lessons were over, I almost ran into my dorm and surveyed the clothes that I had. All either too big, or too small. Nothing Draco-worthy. Could I really be good enough for him? With all of my faults, all of my weaknesses? With all of my guilt, and stupidity regarding... Well, most things.

I hoped the answer was never to be revealed because I was sure neither of us would like it.

Sighing quietly, I looked, once again at my wardrobe and wondered what Draco would be wearing. Of course, I wouldn't go into the "matching" thing, but it would be nice to not look like a complete lunatic.

"Hermione!" I called. To hell with girls not being allowed in boys' dorms. I didn't care. This was urgent, and I needed a woman's touch, or whatever the saying was.\

She came running, and I smiled at her eagerness to help. She knew what this was for.

"What should you wear...?" she wondered, as she, too, surveyed my wardrobe with disappointment. Suddenly, she began to smile and then asked how long I had until my date.

"Around two and a half hours," I responded, and she dragged my arm. "What are you doing?!" I yelped, and she laughed.

"Don't look so alarmed, it's only shopping," she told me as if I should whoop and jump around like she was doing.

We went to Hogsmeade and were immediately able to find a bunch of clothes. Surprisingly, half an hour later, I had clothes that were considered decent enough by Hermione's standards to go on a date wearing. I got a few updates on my general wardrobe as well, so I had options.

In the end, I decided on a fitted T-Shirt, jeans that were slightly ripped, which was as much as I'd allow, and a cool flannel coat that Hermione was at first slightly skeptical about, but allowed in the end.

Then she attempted to make my hair look decent. I say attempted because it did not work. Every time she tried to comb or gel it, a couple of strands would spring back up like an insolent and rebellious teen going against his parents.

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