Chapter 18

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So, guys! Wait! I know what y'all are thinking. Damn, why is this early? Well, I'll answer that. Not good news, I'm afraid. So, this chapter is hella short. I know I've said that for a lot of chapters, but this is around... Half the amount? *shies away* but I'LL EXPLAIN. Because this chapter is so short, I decided to put it out a day early. I know. Horrible compromise. Oops. But, the reason I'm doing it, is because, as with many schools AROUND THE FRICKING WORLD, it is exam week. 

*claps* C'MON, BE EXCITED. YAY. EXAMS WEEK. (If you cannot detect my sarcasm, go back and analyze my writing style lmao)

So, that means a lot of work. Revision. Homework, because exams aren't enough already. We clearly have tons of free time that we would just love to fill up with homework that will never help us in our lives. As in, ever. Yeah, I'll be learning how to cut lino in a pretty shell pattern when I'm older. Yup. I'll be working out stupid quadratics.

So, yeah. That's why. I mean, I actually wrote this on Sunday- Wow for me. But I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it longer on Monday (today) so I just uploaded it today as a compromise. But everything else will stay the same- Still uploading on Friday, (hopefully?) normal length, because I would have run out of excuses XD Also, this chapter doesn't have a song because... Well, I really just couldn't think of a song. Oops. 

Harry's POV

For the next few weeks, I just stayed in the lunch, and so and such, for lunchtimes- When I bothered to get out of bed. Nobody but Hermione really checked up on me, but that was my fault. I pushed everyone away. At least Ron was being more cordial- Probably just because he felt bad for me.

Well, I felt bad for myself too, so his sympathy didn't offend me.

Every time I saw Dra- Malfoy, I walked the other way. It wasn't that I didn't want to see him- It was more than that. I knew if I had a single interaction, my heart would shatter all over again- I knew better than to think that it wasn't possible.

I wanted to tell someone, I really did. But the thing was, I knew that people wouldn't understand, no matter how much I wanted them to. I knew whatever I told them, how much ever I tried, they wouldn't get it. They wouldn't understand how shattered my heart had been when I heard about this.

How this made me realize that giving my heart to someone wasn't worth it- When all the would do was break it.

And, the worst part? The worst part was the fact that I had just been about to do something, something that I had never done before... For him. And then I had gotten to know, and all of that had flown straight out of the window.


I bit my lip in frustration, glaring at the blank parchment as if it had personally disgraced me. I wished I could just think about four inches of writing to appear on the parchment, and there it would be

But I knew, from experience, that that was not going to work.

So, I opted to stare.

I glanced at my discarded, wadded-up balls of parchment strewn around my dorm. It was early enough that nobody was around but late enough in the morning that I could still see without a candle.

"Your eyes bring me back to my heart," I muttered, reading out what I had written moments before. Then I snorted. What the hell was this? It sounded as if I was mentally ill, and trying to compose a romantic letter.

Well, the second part was true.

Sighing, I pulled out a fresh sheet of parchment. I decided to exclude the flowery language and the poetic sayings, and just spill my heart on the page. God knew he had it already.

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