Chapter 3

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YAS! SHAWN. *Fangirls in corner*

Harry's POV

For the next few days, everything was normal. No more embarrassing myself in front of Draco; no more mental breakdowns in public... it was all good. Except for the nightmares, but I knew those wouldn't subside anyway. It was a sunny evening, and all the lessons were finished. I nudged Ron.

"Time for a game of Quidditch, mate?"

He smiled at me but shook his head. "Got something to do."

I wondered at the strange, excited tone in his voice, but nodded. I could practice on my own, after all.

I got my broomstick and stepped out and sighed contentedly, the sun warmly embracing me; the wind toying with my tie, ruffling my hair. I found the snitch and released it. I eased into the familiarity of the tiny golden ball racing into the air, rendering it almost invisible. But my eyes followed it, and at once I was off. I felt the beautiful wind on my flushed face and the smile of the sun on my back. It was going great.

Swiftly, I followed the snitch, until I caught sight of another flash of gold. But a little bit lighter, more blonde... Draco.

I turned to face him; he was staring at me from the window. My broom moved out of its own accord and I slammed into a tree.

Then I was falling, falling, falling to the ground. Pain, unyielding pain- And then nothing.

I gave into the darkness gratefully.


When I awoke, I was staring at the ceiling of the hospital wing. For a moment, I didn't realize why I was here. But then I felt it. The pain. Lessened, but still there. I swallowed back the sudden urge to scream. I tried to locate where the pain was emanating from. I could move my legs, and my midsection, as well as my head. My left arm... Fine. But then my right arm. My right arm. I tried to move it, and I couldn't stop the agonized howl that came out of me when I did, something so inhuman, so primal that I couldn't fathom that it had come out of me. But then Madam Pomfrey came into view, her face lined with worry.

"Good. You are awake. Your arm is broken in four different places, but I am surprised at you, Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy-"

"Malfoy?" I asked, not bothering to mask my surprise. She nodded.

"He brought you here. He told me that you were practicing Quidditch unsupervised and you injured yourself foolishly. Is that true?"

I nodded, and she clicked her tongue. "Mr. Potter. I am surprised at you. You will have to be conscious for when I am healing you; if we give you a sleeping potion whilst I am doing so will make my healing slightly... defective."

I nodded, still hung up over the fact that Draco had helped me-

And then the pain began.

It started on my arm, then went underneath my skin, and then spread to my entire body, until I was thrashing and wheezing, while Madam Pomfrey was begging me to keep still.

I could handle this. I could handle this. That was my mantra throughout the entire thing, as I felt my bones snap back into place, leaving horrendous pain in its wake.

I almost blacked out, but then Madam Pomfrey's chipper voice told me she was done and gave me a gentle push to stand up.

"You won't be able to lift your wand for a while. Your arm will be too tender." She warned.

I managed to nod, albeit shakily and thanked her then walked slowly to my dorm. On my way there, I saw Draco talking with some of his friends. Mustering my courage, I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and for a minute I could have sworn I saw worry in his eyes, but then it was masked by the usual sheen of hate.

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