Chapter 14

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Hey guys! If you don't want to hear me rant, please skip to where it says "Harry's POV". Otherwise: ARGH I'M SO FRICKING TIRED, SCHOOL IS ADLSJFSAJFJKFLSDJ AND TESTS COMING UP, PROJECTS... *cries* but still, I make sure to make time to write, because it, although sometimes can be a point of stress, as to when I can fit it in, the writing, itself, is not stressful, because I love it. Though, just because you love something, or doing something, it doesn't mean that it's not stressful. Yeah I don't know what I am saying, it's too late, even though it's not that late. Yeah, this is just how I am normally- I don't understand myself lmao

Harry's POV

In hindsight, I think those weeks were the happiest in my life. Or one of, anyway. Despite all of the Gryffindors hating me, and all the Slytherins making fun of Draco, I think I had never been happier in my life. 

The brief teasing, the small smiles we gave one another, were so precious that I treasured them. Tucked them away in the crevices of my heart never to be exploited.

Or so I could hope.

We didn't go on another official date. I didn't know why that was, but I was sure Draco had a good reason. After all, I had thought it had gone well, but we had broached topics that should not have been discussed. 

But we were still figuring things out, trying to make the most of what we had, weren't we? So I couldn't afford to second guess anything, we couldn't afford to review everything until it became meaningless. We had to live in the moment because otherwise, we would have to think about how the rest of our lives would play out. 

And, I knew, in the depths of my heart, that neither Draco nor I were ready to face the future. 

Then came the Quidditch match. 

Everyone knew that both Draco and I were competitive, and also dating, so the entire school was abuzz with excitement- Would we let ourselves lose for the other? Who would win? Would we get distracted?

Of course, both Draco and I laughed heartily about it all- I mean, did they really expect us- The most competitive people in the school- to let the other take the snitch?

"Do you think the Ravenclaws will be voting for me, or you, Harry?" Draco asked me, as we laid on a couch, watching a film. "I mean, it is obvious that many people like you more-" 

I cut him off with a weak punch on the arm and a smack with a chocolate bar that we had been sharing. "Shut up. It doesn't matter. Just know that I'm going to whoop your team." I smiled at his outrage.

"You are wrong, Harry. I am going to make sure your team is left in the dust." Draco said, with a truly snobbish air. I just rolled my eyes. I didn't, to be honest, care who won. I knew it was more important that we were able to joke about it this way, instead of trying to be petty about it. I knew we would be happy that the other one, even if we'd damn well tried our hardest.

That was what meant the most to me. 

The night before the match, I slept peacefully, which, in itself was a rare occurrence. Scratch that, the fact that I was able to sleep at all was a rare occurrence. And, even better, I woke up at a normal hour, instead of my usual 3 or 4 in the morning. 

I wondered, for a moment, if Ron, Ginny, and all the others who were on their... Side? Were we on sides now? I found that thought disturbing- our true enemy was meant to be all-seeing forces of evil, and we had been reduced to this? I pushed the thought aside and pursued my earlier question. Would they still support Gryffindor, or had I made such a bad impact that they would not support our house because I was on the team?

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