Chapter 8

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Guys! Hellooooooooo... OK, I KNOW THIS SONG DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THIS CHAPTER BUT ITS A GOOD SONG SO... This chapter is going to be in Harry's POV only because... Well, nothing's happening with Draco, really. Hopefully, this chapter won't be as short as the last one, but, to be honest, I don't know... Anyway, here goes nothing:

Harry's POV

I want to say that I was able to forget about it. That I had known what would happen and that it was enough. That I wasn't foolish enough to think- to hope, that I... that we... Could be something other than... enemies. But, of course, that would be a lie.

It hit me. It made me realize how much hope I'd had, however foolishly. I wanted to take it all back, and, yet, at the same time, it was better than forever asking. Than forever wondering, forever regretting. Forever wondering if I could be good enough. Yes. Knowing was better.

But it still hurt.

You know how people say that they wake up and they think everything's ok, and then things come crashing down on them? That didn't happen for me. Because I didn't even have that split blissful second of ignorance. Because now my nightmares were fuelled by his rejection, as well as my parents' loathing. I wanted to say something, tell someone, but I knew I probably deserved it.

But then Ron asked me. It had been a particularly bad day. I, of course, hadn't gotten any sleep. I didn't fully realize how important those walks had become. but, obviously, I was the only one that felt that way. 

The nightmares had hounded me terribly, even into the day, and I couldn't think straight. Of course, that's when Ron decided to come up to me.

"What's wrong, mate?" he asked, his hand clasped around Hermione's. I took note of it, but, truth be told, couldn't find it in myself to ask.

I had to think fast. I knew I couldn't spew the "nothing", stuff, he'd see right through that. 

"I... Ginny and I broke up." it spilled out of my lips. What the hell was I saying? Why had I chosen this lie to tell him? Godric knew that I had a nice inventory of them to pick from.

"What?" Ron scrunched his brows together in confusion. He had every reason to, I knew.

"We broke up." I made sure my voice sounded flat, and Hermione interjected.

"Harry! Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't Ginny tell us? Gods, I'm so sorry, Harry, I didn't know... What hap-?"

Ron cut her off. "What the bloody hell?! You broke up with my sister?"

I nodded dumbly. I couldn't say she broke up with me; I wouldn't blame it on her like that. I felt guilty for saying we had broken up, but, with what I felt towards her, or rather, what I didn't, we may as well have been. 

"When? How? Why?" he was shouting. After all, it was his younger sister. But, naturally, I got a little defensive.

"Do you need to know?"

"Yes! She's my sister!"

I wanted to say "go ask her", but I hadn't told her what to say yet... I felt so guilty... But I really didn't care at this point.

"A few days ago. I broke up with her, and I don't know why okay? I wasn't really feeling it."

"You bast-" Ron screamed, a fury in his face I had never seen. Hermione held him back, but she looked livid. Just less livid than Ron.

"Harry! Why would you do that to her? She's probably heartbroken."

I nodded and walked away. I needed to tell Ginny because I knew they'd go looking for her next, but truth be told, I just wanted to lie down and forget what a mess my life had become. 

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