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Before I start, let me say this song is AMAZING, and Handwritten by Shawn was awesome... Okay, enough fangirling... I know this is released AFTER the real by a few minutes, but it is, still, of course, Valentine's Day, so I will wish y'all again. Happy Valentine's Day! But, no need to get into details, because I've already done all that. So, without further ado, this is the fluff (separate from the storyline, in a different kind of scheme of events where they're not dating, and don't live together, unlike the Christmas one. They're out of Hogwarts, though).

Harry's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew it was too early. There was very little watery sunlight coming through the blinds. I checked my watch. Yup. 4:00 in the morning. I didn't know why I had woken up. Today was one of the days I had slept well, or so I had thought. But sometimes, I had nightmares that I would not remember as soon as I woke up, but would come back to break me later in the day.

I prayed this was not one of those times, but I could never be sure. 

After fumbling for my glasses, I looked for my wand, which I had undoubtedly dropped on the floor last night in haste to fall asleep. When I found it, I was surprised to find that, not only was it not on the floor, it was on my dresser. And there was a note wrapped around it. 

Curiously, I walked out of my room where there was light in my hall, and I unwrapped the paper from the wand. After casting Lumos, I checked on my pet ferret that lived in a cage near my bedroom, and then looked at the note. The first thing I noticed was the stationery. Green. And it was exquisitely beautiful cursive.

Then it hit me. It was Valentine's Day. How had I not remembered? I guessed I was so busy with the job at the Ministry that I had never really thought about it. Didn't need to, because I had nobody to share it with. But... Who wrote the letter, then?

I frowned. Cho? No, Cho hated the color green, and I had a suspicion it was because of Slytherin. Even though Ravenclaws didn't have anything particular against Slytherins, with what had happened with Cedric... I understood. So, not her. Ginny? If it was Ginny, I would burn the letter. Why would she send him a note? It was nothing special, and after she'd broken up with me because I wasn't devoting enough time to her, she had no business contacting me. 

I still felt the sting of the words she'd uttered that day, two years ago. I remembered how tired I had been, after coming home from a long day at the Ministry. 

I gratefully unlocked the door of our house, already prepared to crash on the couch. I had just dealt with some more drama with the Malfoy family, and I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear the wariness on Draco's face. After we'd begun to see past our differences, he seemed like a nice bloke (THEY WERE JUST FRIENDS. JUST LIKE PATROCLUS AND ACHILLES. If anyone gets this reference...) and I didn't like to see him in trouble. The thing is, it wasn't even Draco's fault. His wife had wanted to divorce him, poor bloke, and he'd been shattered, and then she'd taken the divorce paper to me. I didn't know what to do.

Shaking my head, I walked inside, dusting the snow off my boots on the mat. 

"Ginny! Darling? (This word physically hurt me. I hate Ginny, so...) Where are you?" she was usually somewhere on the couch, watching TV, or cooking as she liked to do. I knew she worked too hard; Even though she was a housewife, she always did her best making me the happiest man on Earth.

She appeared, and there was a cold, frozen look in her eyes. "Harry, we need to talk."

I knew this couldn't mean anything good, but I knew I'd have to listen to her, so I nodded. "Sure. Can I change fi-"

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