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It's been a few days since you found out that Haruto is training to be a kpop star. Before he left, he did tell me that he was going to Korea but he just never told me why. You do miss him and..love him. But you don't think he loves you anymore because he was the one that broke up with you while he was in Korea.

"Yo Haruto did you hear the news?" Jeongwoo said running up to me.

"What" I asked turning off my phone

"Mr Yang is planning on finding new models for his company!" He said.

"So..why are you telling me this then." I said

"Their all girls this time. And YG might let us be in a photo shoot with them! Like modeling."

"Ok" I said

"Y/N, can I come in?" Hana asked knocking on my bedroom door.


"So um what's with you and Haruto?" She asked sitting down on my bed next to me.

"..nothing" I said plainly

"What do you mean nothing? Aren't you two still friends?"

"Hana we broke up. We haven't contacted each other after that." I said


"I'm sorry I asked.." she said

"No it's fine Hana. It doesn't mean anything to me anymore so.." I said getting up from my bed.

That was a lie.. you still love him

A few hours later you hear the door open and it's your dad and mom.

"Hey guys" you said hugging each of them

"Y/N we have some good news!" Your mom said excitingly.

"What?" You asked

"We're moving back to Korea!" Your dad said

"WHAT?! When?" You asked shocked

"We're leaving in two days" he said

"So start packing today and try to finish by tomorrow night" your mom said.

"Wait what about Hana?" You asked

"She will be staying here, her family will be moving here." Your dad said

"Oh...why can't she come with us?"

"Because she still has school and she also has been very busy here and some more personal reasons. You are homeschooled so it doesn't really matter." Your parents both said.

"I don't wanna go though.."

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now