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The final episode had just finished and you now hear a lot of voices in the halls now. You were laying on the couch on your phone with earbuds on and you hear the door open revealing a bunch of boys wearing their performance outfits.

"Y/N!!!" Junkyu came running to you and giving you a tight hug.

"Junkyu! You made the debut!!" I said hugging him back tightly.

We both break the hug and I see him letting out some tears of joy.

"You did great." I said patting his shoulder and congratulated the other boys.

While talking to Hyunsuk, Junghwan, Yoonbin,   and Yedam I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Haruto

We both hug each other immediately

" did it." I whispered in his ear while still hugging.

Instead of hearing a response he just holds me tighter.

"Oh? Your family is here!" I said

"Yeah, they came to visit for the final." Haruto said grabbing a hold onto my hand.

"I'm gonna go say hi." I said making my way towards them.

"Y/N!" Ms Watanabe said pulling me into a tight hug.

"I heard about you and Haruto! I'm so happy that you two are dating again!" She said

I smiled

"Y/N!!!" I hear my name being shouted

I turn around to see his little sister.

"It's been so long! I missed you so much!" She said pulling me in for a really tight hug.

"Me too" I said hugging her back tightly

"Ahh! And your dating again!" She said smiling so widely.

I smiled down at her and Haruto broke our hug.

"Alright little sis let her breath." Haruto said putting his arm around my shoulder.

The three of us laughed after that

"Are you guys going back to the dorms after this?" I turn to Haruto.

"I mean yeah but we don't have to. The producers said that we can spend the rest of the day with like our families." He said

I smiled

"Then can you come over?" I asked

He nodded smiling

"Is anyone home though?" He asked

"No, my parents are on a business trip right now."


"Let's leave now. But lemme go tell my mom and then we can go." I said

Like 20 minutes later you guys arrive at your house.

"New house?" He asked you

"Yeah.." you said closing the door behind you

"What do you wanna do?" You asked him

"Movie?" He suggested

"Perfect!" You said leading him to the couch

"Pick any movie you want. I'll be right back getting snacks." You said getting up and making your way to the kitchen.

"Alright." He said grabbing the remote

You come back with the snacks and set them down on the coffee table in front of you and sit down next to Haruto.

"Your so far away Y/N." Haruto said pouting a bit.

"I'm right next to you" you said laughing at him.

"Get closer." He said

You scooter closer to him but his face still didn't seem satisfied.

"Your still not close enough.." he said

"What do you mean our arms are literally touching each other." You said looking at weirdly.

"I mean I want you to do this instead." He pulls you in so that your head lays on his chest while wrapping his arms around you securely.

He snaked his on of his arms around your waist and pulled you even closer to him.

During the movie you start falling asleep.

After the movie ended Haruto noticed that you weren't getting up even after the movie so he looked down on you and saw that you were sleeping.

He got up slowly so that he doesn't wake you and he carries you bridal style in his arms and brings you upstairs to your room.

He places you gently in your bed and pulls the covers on top.

He joins you and wraps you in his arms again and kisses your forehead and starts to fall asleep.

"I love you" he gently whispered on top of your head.

Congratulations to Choi Hyunsuk!! He is the 7th member of the final debut group. I'm so happy to see the full group announced and I wish the best for them and I know that they will make their way up to be the most successful that they can be💕. I'm sorry to say but this is the final chapter to this story. I know and I'm sorry that this wasn't the best but I hope you all enjoyed reading throughout the story! I will see you all in my next story! Don't forget to keep on supporting all the YG boys even the ones who didn't debut. I love you all and goodbye💕.

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now