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Time skip to the day you guys start runway modeling which is Saturday.

You guys are in a van on your way to the modeling place and to discuss more things.

"Omg I'm so excited!" Nayeon said

"Haha me too." You said

Later you guys arrive at the building

"Hello everyone I'm Ms Tanaka. I'm the head director of this whole show." She said smiling friendly.

She seems nice

"How about you guys introduce yourselves to me?" She asked

"How about we start with this young handsome man right here?" She said looking at Junkyu.

"Hi Ms Tanaka, I'm Kim Junkyu and I'm a singer/model which is right now. I'm also 19 years old." He said

I'm actually really happy that Ms Tanaka can speak fluent Korean even though I'm perfectly fine with her speaking Japanese.

"Hello my name is Watanabe Haruto. It's nice to meet you. I am a rapper/Model and I'm 15 years old." Haruto said

Ms Tanaka looked really shocked probably because of his age.

"Haruto Your Japanese?" She asked

Well that question wasn't was what I was expecting lollll. I thought she would say the first thing about his height but I guess not.

"Yes" he answered

"And your only 15 years old??" She asked

There it is😂😂

He nodded

"How tall are you?" She asked

"I'm 176 cm." He said

"Oooh. You are also very good looking Haruto." She added while still looking shocked.

"Thank you." He said

"Hi I'm Kim Nayeon I just became a model and I'm 18 years old."

She smiled and moved her eyes to me waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Hello my name is Sung Y/N, I'm a model and I'm 15 years old." I said

"Oh so your the same age as Haruto!" Ms Tanaka said.

"Yes.." I said

"Wow you guys are both very tall and beautiful." She said

"Haha thank you..." I said

"Lets go get your measurements for the clothes you guys will be wearing." Ms Tanaka said leading us.

We all followed and got our measurements down.

After a long day of prepping, training and meetings you guys are finally home and it's 11:30 at night.

"Hey Y/N are you getting ready for bed?" Nayeon asked you opening your bedroom door.


"Oh and Ms Tanaka said that only us two will be going down to the building and not the boys." She said

"Why?" You asked yawning

"Because she wants only the female models to come in, tomorrow's work is only to focus on the girls. Ms Tanaka said it's easier." Nayeon said.

"Ahh okay." You said

"Good night" Nayeon said leaving the room

"Ah my head hurts..." I said putting my hand against my forehead.

"I should go downstairs to make some tea." I said making my way down the stairs.

"Haruto aren't you tired?" Junkyu asked

"Sorta yeah.."

"Well I'm really tired. I'll go to bed first yeah? Good night." Junkyu said standing up from the couch.

"Oh Y/N your still up?" I heard Junkyu say

"..oh um yeah. My head hurts so I'm just trying to make some tea to make it feel better.." I hear Y/N's voice.

"Oh! Don't make it yourself since you don't feel well, just make Haruto make it for you." He said

"No you don't ha- Haruto!"

I look up to see Junkyu and Y/N

"What" I said

"Make some tea for Y/N, her head hurts." Junkyu said

"...uh sure." I said getting up from the couch.

"Good night Y/N" Junkyu said patting on her arm and continue to go upstairs.

I go to the kitchen and see Y/N following behind.

"So your head hurts?" I asked getting the water ready to become warm.

"Yeah.." She said

We became silent again

"Y/N just go upstairs back to your room and wait there. I'll come back up there once your tea is ready." I said

"No it's fine I can really do it myself." She said

"No, now go upstairs." I said

"No, now go upstairs." Haruto said


I did as he said and went up stairs and got in bed.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on my door

"Come in." I said

"'s still hot." He said placing it on my nightstand.

I pick up the cup and gently blow on it to cool off a little.

"Thank you for making the tea." I said

He just nodded

"What is that?" Haruto asked looking at the notebook on my nightstand.

"Huh? Oh's just a notebook." I said

"Wait...isn't this the notebook with like your lyrics..?" He asked

"Yeah. I'm surprised you actually still remember that."

He chuckled

"Mind if I can take a look?" He asked and I nodded.

"Sure." I picked up the cup again and started to feel a lot better.

After almost finishing the tea I start to feel my eyes get heavy and start to close.

I look to see Haruto still sitting in a chair reading through the notebook.

"I'm going to bed now. Good night Haruto." I said laying down.

A few minutes later I finished reading her notebook.

I put her notebook back down to where it was before.

Before I leave her room I stop and stare and still admire her like I still do. She's still the best..

I bend down a little a caress her cheek before I walk away to my room.

But before I left I felt Y/N grab onto my hand.

"Can you stay.." I heard her whisper but her eyes still closed.

"..yeah." I said and she scooted away for me to join her.

"Are you sure you want me to stay..?" I whispered

She nodded and suddenly she just hugged me.

This is the first time we've done something like this in a while...I miss this.

"I wish we could do this more often.."

I miss this and I wish this could happen more..

Yeah so this chapter was really long and I actually liked what I came up with in this chapter. More like the end of this chapter I liked😂. Well thanks for reading💕

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