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Skipped to next week, it's the day you, Nayeon, Haruto and Junkyu are heading to Japan. You guys are currently on the plane almost to Japan.

"Omg I can't believe I'm going back to Japan!" I said to Nayeon.

"Oh yeah! You used to live and Japan almost your whole life right?" She asked

I nodded excitingly

"Wait Y/N you used to live in Japan?" Junkyu asked.

"Yeah" I said

I see Junkyu nudging Haruto that's looking at him weird.

"Haruto Y/N used to live where you used to live! She can speak fluent Japanese." Junkyu said

"..I know Junkyu" he said

"You do?" Both Junkyu and Nayeon asked him.

"How?" They asked again

"Um..I used to know Y/N when I was little." Haruto said

Nayeon's face wasn't surprised because she remembered about you and Haruto in your past. But not Junkyu..

A while later you guys arrived in Japan and went straight to your house that YG rented for you guys. Its a good thing that the house is spacious.

"Omg this house is so nice..!" Nayeon said walking inside in awe.

"Yeah.." the rest of us said while looking around the nice house.

"Manager Shin, how long are we going to be staying here? And when will we be leaving back to Korea?" I asked

"Um Mr Yang said that since you guys will be modeling in the fashion show in one month. But you guys will be leaving the day after the fashion show." Manager Shin said

"Ohh..okay." I said

"When do we start modeling?" Haruto asked her

"This Saturday" Manager Shin said before leaving.

"Oh and one more thing. Since you guys still have a few days before practice modeling, you guys are free to do whatever you want. And Haruto and Y/N can show Nayeon and Junkyu around Japan since you two lived here before." She added and then left the house.

"So what should we do first?" Junkyu asked

"Let's unpack first."

"Let's unpack first."

Haruto and I both said at the same time. We stared at each other for a bit and then smiling slightly after.

"That was on point!" Nayeon said laughing and amazed.

"But your right let's go unpack." Nayeon said and we all started to find our rooms and unpack.

Moments later we all finished and came down to the living room.

"Guys lets eat dinner!" Junkyu asked rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah I'm pretty hungry." I said

"Do you guys want to order something to be delivered here or go to a restaurant or something?" Nayeon asked.

"I wanna go to a restaurant." Junkyu said

"Oh same" Nayeon added

We were silent for a little moment when both Junkyu and Nayeon turned to Haruto and I.

"Any restaurants that are nice?" Nayeon asked

Me and Haruto both turned to each other and looked at each other.

"Umm...Ise Sueyeoshi." We both said at the same time again.

I'm not surprised that we both said the same thing. When we were dating we used to go to that restaurant all the time together.

But Nayeon and Junkyu looks shocked

"Dang you guys are really in sync!" Junkyu shouted.

"Alright well shall we go?" Haruto said

We all followed and headed to the restaurant.

Thanks for keeping up with me through my chapters. I hope you are still interested in this story..(i doubt it lol😂👍).

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