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It's been a few days and you guys are all working very hard. Ms Tanaka has been hard on all the models including you guys, so she let you all take a day off.

I'm so happy we have a day off today. Ms Tanaka finally understood what we've all been wanting for the past difficult days.

"Hey Y/N lets go somewhere!" Junkyu shouted from downstairs.

I make my way downstairs to see Junkyu and Nayeon looking bored.

"Go somewhere?" I asked them

"Yeah, since we don't really know places in Japan, how about you show us some fun places to go visit." He said

"Um sure, but why can't Haruto show you?" I asked since he knows the area more than me.

"Oh he went to visit his family. So he won't be home til late." Junkyu said.

He went to go see his family? His family is really I love Haruto's little sister, she's so cute. It's been a while since I last saw them all.

"Oh..okay. Let's go then." I said

"I'll call our manager and let her know that we will be walking around the city for a bit." Nayeon said grabbing her phone.

"So where will we be going first?" Junkyu asked smiling widely.

"Hidemi Sugino Bakery!" I said getting excited

"Oh I heard of that bakery before! It was Haruto's favorite bakery when he still lived here." Junkyu said

I's my favorite bakery too. We used to go to that bakery almost all the time when we were both free. Whenever one of us would feel sad, or had the feeling to celebrate we would always go there.

"Ooh sounds nice!" Nayeon said putting on her shoes.

Moments later we arrive at the bakery.

"Aw this place is so cute" Nayeon said

We find a table for three and order our food and drinks.

"The food looks so good." Junkyu said looking at the food that's on display.

Nayeon nodded in agreement and so did I

"It's been way too long since I've had some of my favorite deserts here.." I said

After we finished our food

"Wasn't the food good?" I asked them

"Omg yes" Nayeon answered

"That is one of the tastiest pastries I've ever had." Junkyu said

"Since I already paid should we get going now?" I asked

"Yeah, but wait shouldn't we buy Haruto something to take home?" Nayeon asked

"Okay" I said

"But what should we get him? I don't know what he likes." Nayeon said.

"It's the Tartelette au Caramel Passion. It's his favorite." I said.

"Is that his favorite?" Junkyu asked

"Yeah" I said

"How do you know?" He asked

"Long story..okay?" I said

He got confused

I'll explain to you later." Nayeon said

Junkyu nodded

"Who's paying?" I asked

"I got this cause you payed for all of ours." Junkyu said to me taking out his wallet.

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