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"..what?" I asked Haruto when he said I do.

"Never mind.." he said and we stayed quiet.

This is so useless...

"You know what I'm just gonna go." I said almost whispering to myself and hopefully that Haruto didn't hear it.

But he did..

As I was about to twist the door knob there wasn't silence anymore.

"Y/n come back here.." he said and I made my way over to him.

"Why did you leave to Korea without giving me a reason..?" I asked

He stayed silent for a little bit before answering.


"Because what..?" I asked

"Because when I found out that I was accepted into YG Entertainment. I didn't have the confidence to tell you face to face..I'm really sorry Y/N." He said

"If I told you the reason in person I would've broken down so badly." He said

"Haruto...the fact that you didn't tell me in person was one of the hardest times. That broke me more because you didn't tell me in person." I said

" Y/N?" He asked scooting closer to me.

I look at him

"So uh a few days Junkyu told me that you still have feelings for me..."

Why'd he make this even more awkward now?! How does Junkyu even know about that..?

There was a pause in between my thoughts..


"So this was their plain.." I said softly to myself.

"Did you say something..?" Haruto asked trying to make eye contact with me but I keep my eyes on the ground.

"So about you still having feelings for are they still there..? Are they still in your heart." He asked coming even closer to me.

I nodded slowly and then putting my face in my hands right away in disappointment.

I felt him coming closer again that I felt our arms slightly touching against each other.

"Y/N.." he gently grabbed my left hand and intertwined it with his.

I look at him in shock trying to move away.

Instead he grips it tighter so I can't go

"Don't let go of your feelings for me. I still have my feelings for you too. And I don't want to let that go.." he said

"You w-what..?"

"I want to be together again" he said

I made a confusing face to him

"I want to be together again too..but Haruto I can tell your about to debut soon and i really think this is bad timing for us..I don't want to be a distraction." I said looking at the ground.

"Look I'm really sorry for all the mistakes I made in the past. I promise you, you won't be a distraction." He said lifting up my chin gently so I make eye contact with him.

"But what about YG?" I asked

"I'll tell him later..I promise you Y/N you won't regret this one." He said pressing our foreheads together and we both smile.

"Okay..I trust you on this one." I said intertwining our other hand.

"I'm glad to call you mine."

Ahhh I can't believe it! Park Jeongwoo you made it❤️. I'm so proud of Jeongwoo making the debut, when I saw his brother watching Jeongwoo sing and he started to let out some tears it made my heart soft. Congratulations made it😌.

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now