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"Y/N it's been way to long since I saw you!" Ms Watanabe said pulling me in for a hug.

"Hehe..yes." I said returning the hug

"Come in you two" she said stepping aside for us to get in.

"So Y/N how have you been?" She asked

"Oh I've been good..I recently became a model in YG Entertainment." I said

"Oooh! Oh so your under the same company as Haruto?"

I nodded

"Interesting..." She said looking at Haruto

After a while later on catching up Ms Watanabe said that she has to go grocery shopping and so she left.

"Mom sure asked a lot of questions." Haruto said chuckling.

I let out a little chuckle as well

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked

"" I suggested

"Just like old times.." he smiled

I nodded smiling widely

I sit back on the couch waiting for the movie to start.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked

"You'll see.." he said sitting down next to me

Once the title came on I got so fricken happy!!

"You put on my favorite!" I said getting hyped up.

He smiled

"How do you still remember that I love Ponyo..?" I asked

"I don't know, it just stayed in my head and never left." He said

A little while during the movie I start to feel tired again like I was when we were on that train.

While watching the movie I felt something on my shoulder. I look to see Y/N sleeping..

She must've been really tired today, I mean we did have a short time at work but I have to admit that it was tough today.

"Hey Haru-to.." my little sister came in towards the living room.

I put a finger to my lips to silence her or else she might wake up Y/N.

"Is that Y/N?" She whispered

I nodded

"I wanna wake her up so badly" she said

"Don't..shes been through a tough day today so don't bother her." I whispered.

After the movie ended the door opens revealing my mom and dad coming inside.

"Oh? Is she sleeping?" My mom asked

I nodded

"Haruto you guys should go since she's already sleeping. I'll drive you guys back." My dad said

I nodded and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the car.

"So how's training?" He asked

"It's good.."

"Do you feel awkward that Y/N is here with you?"

"Not that much anymore." I said looking back at Y/N.

You guys Haruto is debuting!!! He was the first one to be announced! Ahhh I'm so proud of him. His family came all the way to Korea to support him on the final episode. His mom is such a huge fan of BigBang and now Haruto is officially in the company as him! He fulfilled his mom's wish. I'm so proud of Yedam, Junkyu and Junghwan! I wish the best for the rest of the boys even if some of them don't debut. They all will debut eventually💕💕

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