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It's the next morning and I'm not ready to leave yet. I wish I could stay here longer.

"Y/N you have your bags ready?" My dad asks


"Dad are you driving us to the airport or is our driver going to?" I asked

"Our driver" he answered

I nodded

Moments later we arrive at the airport and wait until we can board the plane.

"I'm so tired ugh.." I said putting my head on Hana's shoulder.

"Girl I know how you feel" she said doing the same.

"Flight to South Korea for 8:30 is now boarding."

We all stand up

"Hana I can't believe we're not going to be together for a while" I said hugging her

"I know!" She said crying a bit

"Your my best and favorite cousin and always will be." I said breaking the hug.

"Same here. I'll miss you so much" she said

"Me too..but we will always come and visit each other always.." I said backing away and turning around going inside the path towards the plane.

My family and I head into the plane and headed to our seats. I sit next to my mom while my dad sits behind us.

"Y/N you ready to live in Korea again?" My mom asked

"Yeah" I sighed

"You don't seem excited"

"Is it because of you missing your friends? Hana?" She asked


"Then What is it? Why aren't you happy?"

"...because there's just this one person I don't want to meet or run into" I said with a quiet voice.

"Hmm.." she was thinking and thinking until she spoke up.

"...Haruto..?" She said I can tell she was awkward saying that name.

I nodded

"Did you hear that he might umm..debut?" She said


"Y/N don't worry, I doubt that you will run into him." She said

A while later you guys finally arrived in Korea.

"I can't wait for the models to comeee!" Hyunsuk said barging in the music room.

"I know right!" Jeongwoo said freaking out with Hyunsuk.

"Can you guys freak out somewhere else?" I said putting my hoodie on.

"Come on Haruto why aren't you excited!!" Hyunsuk said trying to hype me up.

"..there's no reason to" I said

We unpacked everything and finally I get to be comfortable in my new home.

I'm finally falling asleep in my bed when I get interrupted by a shout of my name.

"Y/N! Come downstairs to the living room!" My mom shouted


I walk downstairs to the living room and see my parents sitting down on the couch along with a man that I don't know?

"Y/N come say hi to mr Yang!" My mom said telling me to sit down with them.

" hello" I said bowing

"Hi Y/N, my name is Mr Yang, but I'm also known as YG." He said

"Y/N he's here because he wants you to be one of the new YG models." My dad said shocking me.

"What? Wait YG..? That name sounds familiar.." I said confused

"Have you ever heard of YG Entertainment?" Mr Yang asked me.

"I think..? I don't remember" I said

"Well I'm the owner of that company. You know like the kpop or star industry?"

Oh my gosh..I'm gonna become a model?!

"..wait so I don't have to audition or anything?" I asked

"No" he smiled

"Ok well I can do it!" I said happily

"Yayy!!" My parents both said and hugged me.

"So when is she starting?" My dad asked

"This Friday. I needed a total of just 5 models and so far we have three, and my assistant is on the look out for two more and then we're all set." Mr Yang said.

"Thank you so much Mr Yang" My dad said while shaking his hand.

"No problem and I will see you on Friday Y/N, it was great meeting you guys again." Mr Yang said standing up getting to leave.

After I he left I just realized on how my parents know the head of a huge company like especially kpop?

"Um mom dad?" I asked

"Yes?" They turned to me

"How do you guys know YG?"

"Oh I've been friends with him for a few years and I haven't seen him in forever. He's one of my best friends." My dad said

"Wow.." I said

"Y/N you got really lucky if it weren't for your father!" My mom said squealing of excitement.

"Yeah"  I said

"I just can't believe I'm going to be a model.."

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now