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"Okay! Everyone quiet down, let's get started with Nayeon and Taeyong." Ms Tanaka asked

"Good luck" I whispered to Nayeon as she makes her way to the center of the runway along with Taeyong.

She smiled and walked out

"Alright everyone, I will be working with them for a bit and then I will call the next pair which is Emi and Riku so don't go anywhere far." Ms Tanaka announced.

Well who am I going to hang out with now? I mean I met the other models but I don't talk or hang out with them as much as I do with Nayeon or Emi.

"I'll just go to my dressing room that was made for Nayeon and I because we are "guest models"." I said to myself

I'm pretty glad that the room is pretty spacious and stuff and especially CLEAN!

I should see what Taerin, Chaeyeon and Yoojung are doing right now.

Let's check their Instagram

"Aww they look like their having a lot of fun with the treasure boys.." I said smiling and missing them.

I guess their just having more photo shoots with them.

As I'm scrolling through their feed I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in" I say

When I see the door open I see that it's Junkyu and Haruto.

"Oh how did you know I was in here?" I asked them.

"We we're looking for you but you weren't near, so we just tried your dressing room." Junkyu said.

I showed an ohhh looking face and nodded

"Oh! We have something for you!" Junkyu said excitingly.

"I heard you like Macaroons, so we stopped by a local bakery and got some for a snack for you." He said

"Aww thank you! But where did you here that I liked Macaroons?" I asked

"Haruto said you like Macaroons." Junkyu said eyeing Haruto who was staring at the ground.

"Here.." Haruto said giving a cute looking mini box filled with Macaroons.


I open the box and saw that there were so many Macaroons in there.

"Guys this is way too many!" I said

"Macaroons are like a dollar or two per!" I said

"We know but Haruto said that you haven't had Macaroons in a really long time and it's one of the only things that makes you happy." Junkyu

Wait it's one of the only things that makes me happy? That line is in my notebook I remember it exactly. Did Haruto read my notebook? Because what Junkyu exactly said is what was written in my notebook.

"Haruto Y/N!!" We heard a faint shout

"Oh Ms Tanaka is calling us, we'll see you later Junkyu." I said walking out the dressing room.

"Oh great you two came here fast. Okay so let's have you guys stand here on the center and Y/N on the right and Haruto left." She said and we got into our places.

"And then walk and stop when you've almost reached, then make a pose for you both and then Haruto, drag her a little bit to turn around and Y/N follow him quick." Ms Tanaka said sorta yelling so that we could still hear her.

"Remember don't look down!" She said

We nodded

"Okay good job, you guys will be going out here several times a bit more than the other models. So since the first time was you two linking arms. The second time will be for you two to have Haruto hold out his hand for Y/N to hold on to like a prince and princess." Ms Tanaka said.


She must be expecting a lot of things from us two. But why is..?

Like we're only 15 years old.

During the practice we did the same things Ms Tanaka asked us to do and then it's finally our last runway walk together.

"Okay now for this last one, you guys will be holding hands. Okay?" She asked

She waited for us to hold hands and yet we did but when I looked at her face it wasn't the right expression I was hoping for.

"No not like that, I mean interwinding the hands."

Soon enough we did it

Gosh this feels strange...this hasn't happened in one year..

"Okay perfect! Now walk like you just did before." She said

As we were walking I almost fell since I'm wearing tall heels, instead of falling my hands got gripped tightly.

I look at Haruto and see him staring at me while still holding my hand tight.

"Be careful.." he whispered

And I nodded and came back to Ms Tanaka.

"Y/N you almost fell are you okay?" She asked looking down to my feet to see if anything was hurt.

"No I'm okay Ms Tanaka." I said

"Okay well I think we did enough for you guys." She said

"You guys are all done for today, but don't leave anywhere far because I have a mini meeting I'm having with all you models together later towards the night Okay?" She said

"Yes" I said

"Um..Haruto. You can let go of my hand now..."

Hey I hope you liked this story if not then I'm sorry. I will update soon again!💕

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