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"Nayeon and Y/N can you guys come over here for a second?" Manager Shin asked you guys.

"Yeah" Nayeon said

"Girls, Mr Yang set up a meeting at 5:39 today." She said

"Ok but why..?" You asked

"Remember the meeting we had yesterday? And you know how Mr Yang said that he's having the two of you girls model?"

We both nodded

"The modeling is a bit different from what you've guys have done before." She said

"What do you mean by different?" You asked

"Just wait till the meeting." Manager Shin said and left your dorms.

With that you guys went back to the eating table where you guys were all eating breakfast.

"What was that about?" Chaeyeon asked

"Oh just about another meeting for Nayeon and I."

"Wait is it about that modeling thing for you two?" Yoojung said

You nodded and drank your fresh squeezed orange juice.

You guys are now in the meeting

In the meeting we are talking about the modeling for us and everything.

"Ok so girls for this one, I'm not having you guys like model in photo shoots." YG said

I'm confused..

"You guys will be doing runway modeling!" He said excitingly.

"What?!" We both said

"Yep" YG said laughing a bit

"And I'm having two of the yg treasure boys come with you guys and do the modeling as well." He said standing up.

"Mr Yang have you decided on who the two boys will be?" Our manager asked

"Yes and I will be right back to go get them because they're at practice right now." He said leaving the room.

"Jeongwoo what's the next step after this?" I asked him pausing in between the dance we're currently learning.

"It's 1,2 an-."

"Can I have Haruto and Kim Junkyu come with me?" YG came in interrupting us durning our practice.

We didn't say anything. Instead we just followed him to wherever he's headed.

"Sit down please." He said

When we came inside I saw Y/N and another girl I forget her name and I guess their manager too?

"Ok so boys I will be taking you and the girls to Tokyo Japan." He said

We're going back to Japan?! Where my home and family are.

"What for?" Junkyu asked

"Because you four will be modeling together for a fashion show in one month."

"You all will be doing runway fashion show modeling." He added

"Nice why did you pick us two?" I asked

"Well that's because you guys are both very tall. Especially you Haruto, your 5'11 and your only 15. Also and you two have very good visuals." He said smiling and laughing.

Ohh now I understand

"When will we be going to Japan? Y/N asked

"Next Tuesday at 11:00 a.m, so I want you all to meet back here in the building in the morning." He said

"I will send out an email to your managers about more of the time and everything." He said and dismissed us.

Right after Mr Yang let us go I see Y/N and Nayeon making their way upstairs. I run up to catch up with her.

"Hey..Y/N." I said behind her as she turns around.

"Oh hi Haruto" She said back with a slight smile.

"So um..were good right? Friends?" I asked

"Yeah, friends!" She said holding out her hand for me to shake.

I bring my hand to hers and shake it as "friends".

"Well I gotta go now..cya later friend." She said making her way up with Nayeon.

" see you later friend..." I said walking away.

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now