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The next day, the day is almost turning into night.

"Aren't you guys glad that Ms Tanaka let us go early?" Junkyu said to us as we all lay on the couch.

"Yep.." Haruto said

"Oh yeah Y/N..lets get going now." Haruto said.

I look at the clock.

Yesterday I told Haruto yes that I would go with him today to go back to see his family again.

"Oh yeah your right, let's go. We'll be back soon guys." I said following Haruto towards the door.

"Are we taking a train?" I asked him

"Yeah, were gonna walk to the train station which is like a 10 minute walk from here, are you alright with that?" He asked

I nodded and he smiled

While walking I kept looking up the sky because I'm feeling really nervous meeting people I haven't been in contact with in a YEAR. LIKE THEIR MY EX'S FAMILY?!

While walking Haruto suddenly stopped and so did I. And I look up at him

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him since he just stopped.

"No um it's just that you don't seem look a bit nervous." He said looking at me.

"..Hm? Oh..yeah I'm just um nervous that's all." I said

"Don't worry, my family still misses you. When I came to visit them yesterday one of the first questions my mom asked was if you were there with me." He said

His mom still misses me?

"My little sister misses you a lot too. She says it's pretty lonely now since I'm gone." He said

"..oh...aww I miss her too." I said

He chuckled

10 minutes later we arrive at the station and hold on the train.

"Wow this train is really packed.." I said almost in a whispered voice.

Luckily we found three seats available.

While sitting quietly..a man comes next to me and sits down since there was an open seat next to me.

A few minutes later my eyes start to get heavy and start closing. Right when I was about to fall asleep I felt something on my thigh...

I look down the see that man rubbing his hand on my thigh...


I look at Haruto and see that he's just staring into space.

"You are a very pretty lady..." the man said looking at me making me very uncomfortable.

I was about to speak when I see a hand removing the man's hand away.

"Switch spots with me." Haruto said and I did as he said.

The man now made a weird face at him

Soon enough the train stops and the man gets off.

"Are you okay..?" Haruto asked while I'm looking down at my legs.

I didn't say anything because I'm still a bit traumatized.

I mean I heard him but I couldn't answer him.

I felt his hands interwind with mine's.

I glance at him and he's just looking forward while his head is leaning back against the wall.

I try to take my hand out of his but instead he just holds on tighter.

Later on the train stops and again and we both get up and get out of the bus.

"Do you still remember the way to my house..?" Haruto spoke up suddenly while we're walking silently.

"..yeah" I said

Soon we came in front of his house and I could already here some voices from the inside.

Haruto knocks on the door and a few seconds later it opens revealing his mom.

"Haruto Y/N!!" His mom said surprised

"Oh! Are you guys dating again?" She asked looking down at our hands.

We both look at them and let go immediately.

I'm going to miss YG Treasure Box so fricken much😭😭. I really wish the best for all these wonderful trainees and I congratulate the ones that are about to debut!

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now