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You and the girls are on your way to the airport leaving to attend a fashion show in China.

"Taerin What time is it?" I asked

"9:20" she answered

"I'm so fricken tired.." I said yawning

"And the cameras, fans, the flashes and everything.." Taerin added.


"I mean I love the fans but like I would like to have some space even sometimes in public." I said.

"Guys lets get going. We're boarding now." Nayeon said jogging up to us.

We both stand up and I put my black cap back on. Once we all started to walk, there were people with their cameras following us. Just like other idols, actors, and models. I need to get used to this.

We're now on the plane to China and I finally get to sleep again.

A while later you guys arrive in your hotel and went out for some lunch.

"Guys don't forget that you girls have a fashion show to attend tomorrow evening." Our manager said taking a sip from her water.

"Yes." We all said and continued to eat our lunch.

"Manager Shin are we doing anything today for schedule?" I asked

"Um let me check." She said taking out her phone and checking the schedule.

"Uhh no you guys don't have anything else today except for tomorrow." She said

"Ok great!" Nayeon said

We arrived at the hotel and just went on our phones.

"Since we have nothing to do today do you guys wanna go shopping?" Yoojung asked us

"Yeah sure!" we all said and left

"Wait does our manager know?" Chaeyeon asked

"Yeah" I said and her face was relieved

The next day

I wake up and see Chaeyeon and Taerin up but not the other two.

"Good morning.." I said with a tired voice

They turn to me

"Oh hey your up!" Taerin said making breakfast.

"Y/N we have a meeting in the afternoon with Mr Yang today." Chaeyeon said pealing a tangerine.

I nodded

"Oh and why did you wake up early? You could've slept in a lot more." Chaeyeon asked

"Oh I thought we had to wake up early so yeah. What about you two? You guys were up before me." I said

"Oh we just wanted to wake up early and make breakfast. Well more like Taerin wanted to make it." She said

I laughed and went to go wash up

Few hours later at the meeting

"So girls I will pick two of you girls to model with two of my yg treasure boys." Mr Yang said

We're all shocked only two of us?

"So who are the two?" Manager Shin asked

"They will be Y/N and Nayeon." He said with a smile.

"Oooh!" We al said

"Wait then what about Yoojung, Taerin and Chaeyeon?" I asked

"They will be doing some more special photo shoots with other models and maybe some idols."

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