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You guys finished judging the trainees and YG let you and Yoojung go home.

"Dang all the trainees really improved! Mr Yang showed you two the past videos of the monthly assessments and you had to admit that they are really good.

"Y/N let's go home." Yoojung said

I nodded

But before we could leave someone calls my name.

"Y/N." The deep voice said

"I'll meet you in the car when your done talking to him.." Yoojung said glaring at the boy.

She left and I turn around to see Haruto

"We need to talk again." He said

"Not right now." I said about to turn the other way

"Please Y/N we really need to talk." He said

"..do you still have my number?" I asked

He nodded

"I'll text you later then." I said then left

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" Yoojung asked getting the car started.


"What did Haruto ask or something?"

"He just wanted to talk but I said not now. I'm going to meet him later since he wants to talk. And I'm guessing the talk will take long." I said leaning my head back.

"Oh well okay. Let's call the girls to go out to eat for lunch!" Yoojung said.

"Awesome" I said smiling

"Lemme call Chaeyeon and ask." I said

"Hello?" -You

"Hello?" -Chaeyeon

"Hey it's me Y/N. Yoojung and I are on our way to the dorms and wants to ask if you guys wanna have lunch together somewhere." -You

"Yeah! I'm fine with it, but lemme ask the others." -Chaeyeon

"Okay" -You

"They say yes!" -Chaeyeon

"We will be at the dorms to pick you guys up in 5 minutes so get ready." -You

"Okay bye" -Chaeyeon

A while later you and the girls arrive at a nice restaurant and get your food.

About an hour later you guys all went back home and rested because you guys have nothing else better to do.

"Guys I'm leaving! I'll be home soon." I said about to leave.

They all came towards me and asked

"Where are you going?" Taerin asked

"Oh I'm heading out a bit to meet someone."

"Oooh like a date?!" Nayeon asked

"No" I said while laughing

"Wait are you going to meet um..you know.." Yoojung said awkwardly.


"Who's you know?" Taerin asked

"Taerin you know who." Yoojung said eyeing her

It took her a little bit to think when her face expression changed.

"Oh..ohhhh!" She said shockingly

"Oh I know now.." Nayeon said

I'm confused..how does she know?

"Wait Nayeon how do you know?" I asked her

"Oh um the girls told me while you and Yoojung were out this morning." She said

"Ohh okay. Well I'm off bye." I said leaving.

I arrive at a park bench waiting for Haruto. I texted him a bit while before I came here to meet me here.


I look up and see Haruto sitting down next to me.

"Ok so let's talk Haruto.." I said

He nodded

There was some silence for a few seconds. Wow..and I thought he wanted to talk.

"Y/N please forgive me.."

"I told you Haruto..I need some time." I said

"But it's already been a few days Y/N..."

"I still need time." I said

"Can we at least be friends..maybe?" He asked

"Yeah..I guess." I said

"Y/N.." he said


"You know that I really did miss you.." he said

I stayed silent

"Did..you um mis-s me?" He asked


"Well..I hope we can become more closer again. I'll text you later okay?" He said standing up and walking away.

It's been a few minutes and I still haven't left the bench..lost in my thoughts.

"Haruto..why do I still love you..?"

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now