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It's the next day at YG Entertainment.

This is the perfect time to tell Junkyu my plan. Good thing that Y/N and the other girls went out for lunch.

I make my way to the practice room Junkyu is in.

"Hello?" I said knocking on the door and coming inside to see some of the treasure boys.

"Hey Junkyu can we talk for sec?" I asked

"Yeah sure. Guys I'll be right back." He said following me out into one of the empty hallways.

"So what's up?" He asked

"Okay so um Y/N still has feelings for Haruto.." I said.

"What? But they broke up a year ago." Junkyu said.

"I know but Haruto left to Korea to be an idol and didn't tell Y/N." I said

"Wait he didn't tell her that he was leaving for Korea?" He asked

"He did but he left without giving her a reason why. Which caused them to break up and be somewhat awkward around each other like now." I explained.

Junkyu made an Ohh face.

And I nodded

"So I really want them to be dating again. Because when we were in Japan, remember when Y/N had a nightmare?" I asked

He nodded

"Well a while later I came back into Y/N's room and I saw Haruto hugging Y/N and she wasn't crying anymore."

"And like Haruto always finds a way to make Y/N feel better." I said

"Ohh right...yeah your right though, they should get back together. Like everything would be so much better. Plus I heard that a lot of people are shipping them already." Junkyu said.

"Exactly that's what I said!"

"Well let's try to make it happen." We both said.

A few weeks later...

While I just came out of a meeting with YG, I got pulled to the side.

"Nayeon why did you pull me? And where are you taking me?" I asked as she was acting in a rush to go somewhere.

We soon arrive in an empty practice room.

"Why are we in here?" I asked

"Just wait I'll explain soon. Wait in here and don't go anywhere, l'll be right back." Nayeon said as she practically ran outside the room.

Once I came out the room I see Junkyu jogging his way over to me.

"Is he coming?" I asked

"Yeah, he told me that he's on his way right now."

"Okay good. I really hope this plan works. I hope they can make up again and like just start dating again!" I said almost begging to myself.

"I know right." Junkyu said

"Oh here he comes.." Junkyu said

"Hey guys. What did you want Junkyu?" Haruto asked.

"Just come inside with us." He said as Haruto followed us inside.

I hear the door open seeing Junkyu, Nayeon and Haruto. I'm confused on why they're all here.

"What's going on?" I asked standing up

"Look guys you have to make up and talk." Nayeon said.

"What do you mean..?" Haruto said

"What she's saying is that you two are going to be stuck in here until you guys make up and maybe even DATE AGAIN!" Junkyu said almost frustrated.

Haruto and I both look at each other. Our faces are literally showing that we're not doing this.

"Nayeon can I speak with you in private for a sec?" I asked

We went outside the room

"Why would we date again Nayeon! He doesn't even like me anymore." I said

"You guys have been awkward for two long. When you said Haruto and you are now friends again ever since that you guys didn't even like act like friends..instead you guys were going back to being awkward." She said.

"Nayeon like I said. He doesn't like me anymore." I said.

"That might change..." Nayeon whispers enough that I could barely hear.

"Huh?" I asked

"Nothing.." She said and we walked back inside.

"Alright well we're leaving now. Talk it out. Don't even think about leaving early.." Junkyu said leaving and Nayeon following behind.

"I honestly don't get why their doing this.." I said

"I do.."

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now