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It's the day Haruto and the rest of the YG Treasure Boys last and final performance. You told Haruto that your going to see him at the show, but you have a meeting with another entertainment label so you told him that you will be there late.

Today is the day that only 7 guys will be chosen to debut. I really hope one of them is Haruto, I wish the best for my lovely boyfriend.

"Hey Y/N don't forget that we have that meeting later!" Chaeyeon said

"Okay" I answered

"Girl I cant believe your back with Haruto!" Taerin said literally fan girling beside me while my eyes are glued to the tv screen in front.

"Yeah" I said chuckling

"You guys are meant to be. Oh! Did YG approve?" She asked

"We didn't tell him yet..I'm planning on telling him before the meeting. YG Treasure Box has their final performance today and episode, so YG isn't going to be in the meeting. So I'm going to the YG building soon to tell him." I said


Later you guys arrive at the building and you make your way straight to YG's office.

You knock on the door waiting for Mr Yang to say that you can come in.

"Come in."

You open the door and start to talk.

"Um Mr Yang, I have something to tell you and I don't think you will approve of this and I'm sorry.." you said hoping that he won't like yell at you.

He made a confusing face

"Oh I forgot to tell you. I would like to make a show of you and Haruto "dating"." YG said smiling.

"Eh? would you feel if we were actually dating?" I asked

"Well that would be great for the show then."

"I know that I have a strict rule of dating in the company but if that happened between you two I would accept it." He said

Wow I didn't even tell him yet and he already said that he is okay with it.

"Well um..actually we are dating." I said nervously.

His face shows that he's shocked.

"Eh? When?" He asked


"Well lucky for you two I find it acceptable." He said

"I have one question though.." I asked

"So um why do you want to make a show with Haruto and I dating..? Even if we weren't." I asked curiously.

"Well I've been hearing a lot of fans shipping you two. Some have even emailed me on the reasons on why you two should date. It took me a while to think about that but I had my thoughts on it and it sounds good." He said

I nodded smiling

"Thank you so much Mr Yang." I said leaving office.

He smiled

"So how'd it go?" Taerin said and the other girls with her as well.

"Perfect." I smiled so happily.

"Ahh! I'm so proud of you!" Nayeon said hugging tightly.

"Yeah I know, cause your plan worked." I said laughing.

"Did you tell Junkyu about me still liking Haruto?" I asked breaking the hug with a serious face.

"Psh no.."

I looked at her and I smiled immediately after..

"Thank you.." I said giving her another tight hug.

You guys the story is almost over🙁. And I'm pretty sad myself that this is ending soon and I made the story..haha. This story is ending sooner then you think. Anyways thanks for reading😘

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