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Days has passed with the usual work as a model and everything. You, Chaeyeon, Taerin, Yoojung and Nayeon had been getting along well with the rest of the YG treasure boys. Your pretty shocked that Mr Yang is actually okay with you guys being friends. Usually he doesn't let the female and male stars talk, even in the building. They are usually supposed to be separated most of the time.

"Hey Y/N you and I have to go to the building right now." Yoojung said


"Mr Yang asked us to like sorta judge the YG treasure boys for their dancing improvement." She said grabbing her keys.

"Okay..but why us?" I asked putting my sneakers on.

"Because he knows that we dance and are good."

"Oh..um Sure let's go." I said leaving the dorm

A few minutes later we arrived and headed to the room the boys and YG is in.

"Yoojung Y/N! Over here." YG said

"You guys can sit down here and I have a clipboard for you both to share and discuss with each other about the trainees dancing Okay?" He asked handing us the clipboard with all their names on it.

"Oh and they will be dancing in groups." YG added.

We both nodded and faced towards the boys.

"Um..Y/N Haruto is staring at you.." Yoojung said whispering.

"I'm trying to avoid eye contact with him." I whispered while my eyes are diverted to the floor.

"First can we have group 1? Doyoung, Haruto, Hyunsuk, Yedam, Jeongwoo." YG said

When the music started my eyes came straight to Haruto. I know that I'm trying to avoid eye contact with him but I just can't.

Even moments later into their dance my eyes are watching the rest of the boys but whenever I'm not they go to Haruto's. Several times during the dance my eyes made eye contact with his.

I'm so thankful for your positive comments on saying that you guys are with me. Your here to support me and that just makes me feel so great and helps me make up my stories better. Love you all😘

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