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It's been a few weeks of you guys working practicing hard and now it's finally time for the fashion show.

"Are you girls ready?" Emi asked Nayeon and I

"Sorta i guess, I'm just so nervous." I said

"Me too." Nayeon said

"Okay girls lets get changing into your clothes!" Ms Tanaka said

We nodded and went to go change.

"Emi your up! Good luck!" I said giving her thumbs up.

She gave back thumbs up and left for the runway.

"Wait we're walking by ourselves first right? Then it's pairs?" I asked Nayeon


"Good luck with Taeyong!" I said

"Thanks good luck with Haruto." She said eyeing me and smirking a bit.

"Stop.." I said playfully

"Aw come on Y/N..ever since that photo shoot with some of the YG treasure boys released, a lot of people started shipping you two." Nayeon said.

"Even some of them said that they are even expecting some dating rumors." She added

"Haha well that's not going to happen." I said smiling lightly but annoyed.

After a few more models going up it was finally my turn.

Don't look down, don't look down Y/N. I thought to myself as I walk the runway confidently.

"Nayeon I did it!!" I said giving her a wide hug.

"I saw! You did great!" She said

A while later Ms Tanaka came back inside and announced that it's now pairs.

"Ok first Nayeon and Taeyong hurry!" She said

Aw they look so cool out there together.

"Next is Haruto and Y/N come on!"

We take the center before walking out.

When we stopped at the front edge to pose I overheard two women talking about how we are a good match...hmm

"Y/N Haruto! It's the last pair again! Let's go!" Ms Tanaka said giving us one of her brightest smiles.

Now it's time to hold hands again..well here it goes.

A few hours later we arrive home exhausted. Because we also had dinner with a the models for a celebration.

"Well guys I'm going to sleep first, good night and don't stay up because remember we have our flight tomorrow." I said going up the stairs.

"Okay Good night!" Nayeon said

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Junkyu asked us

"Sure" I said

During the movie Nayeon gets up and says, "I'm really tired now..good night guys."

"Good night" they both said still watching the movie.

It's almost 11:00 and you guys are still awake.

You are in deep sleep and it's a good thing that you went to sleep early. But the bad thing was that you were having a nightmare. You woke up feeling your face a bit wet and it's stained with your tears.

You went back to sleep but every time you did, the nightmare would come back again.

Out of all nights why is it this one?

While curling up in a ball crying about the nightmare you didn't realize that someone was hearing your crying.

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Nayeon came into your room trying to comfort you but it didn't help.

"T-the nig-nightmare..." you said in between your cries.

"Wait right here, I'll be right back." Nayeon said running out of the room.

You continuously cried harder because you were left alone again.

"Guys Y/N has a nightmare and she won't stop crying.." Nayeon said to the boys that suddenly took their eyes off the tv.

"What why?" Junkyu asked

"I don't know.. she won't tell me. She's curled up in a ball right now.

"She said she's really scared and she doesn't know what to do. I don't even know what to do" Nayeon said feeling really worried.

There was a little bit of silence between the three of them when they heard the crying get louder.

They run up to your room and check up on you.

"Y/N? Tell me what's wrong." Junkyu asked softly while gently patting your back to try to settle you down.

You just continue to cry even more because that nightmare is still stuck in your head.

"Wait guys move out of the way." Haruto said making his way towards you.

He bends down to you and takes your hands in his.

"Y/N..look at me." Haruto said gently

You don't look

"You guys can leave and go sleep now. I now how to handle this." He said looking at Junkyu and Nayeon.

Once they left Haruto sits on the bed

As Haruto keeps on patting your back..he pulls you in for a long needed hug.

As he lays you down, he gets under the blankets as well and keeps on hugging you to make sure you feel secured.

When you used to have nightmares while dating Haruto, he always did this. This would always make you feel better. It's makes the nightmares go away.

You reply to his hug and hug him even tighter and listen to his heart beat to help you fall asleep and it did.

It worked...the nightmare went away.

He wraps his arms tighter around you while caressing your hair to relax you and forget.

Why did we let go of each other...?

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now