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After the meeting my manager drove me straight to where the YG Treasure show is. I really hope Haruto can debut. His family is so proud of him that he's already a trainee but it's even better if he becomes an idol.

"Y/N get ready to get off because we're almost there." My manager said.

I continue to look outside the window until I see the building.

"Thanks!" I said almost rushing out the car and running into the building.

I made it! I made my way to the backstage and see one of the producers.

"Oh Y/N! I heard your dating Haruto." He said

What the heck? How does he know about that?

"Yeah..but um how did you know?" I asked

"Oh before we started shooting YG made an announcement about you two. I have to leave right now. Congratulations Y/N." He said with a smile and left.

Then did YG already make the public announcement..?

Nah that would be too fast and he wouldn't have the time. Probably only told the people in the YG building.

I go into one of the dressing rooms and I see the tv live recording the boys.

They all look so cute but only Haruto really catches my eye.

As I'm watching some of the performances I hear the door open.

"Oh? Y/N what are you doing here?" The girl inside asked

"Hey Subin, I'm just here supporting the boys." I answered.

"Don't you mean Haruto?" She asked smiling and smirking a bit.

"No..I'm here for all the boys, but yeah I guess you could say that." I said laughing

(Subin is a makeup artist that you recently got really close to)

"Wait your 15 right?" She asked grabbing her lip tint.

I nodded

"Wow you two are really a good match." She said walking towards the door and left.

I laughed while shaking my head and faced back to the tv.

"Oooh the rap group is first!" Getting more excited.

(The rap group is the video on the very top of the chapter)

They're so good💕💕

Next was dance group and damn..they were SUPER GOOD.

Soon came the singers, aww their voices are so pure and beautiful.

Those three truly do deserve to debut honestly.

Time skip to the part when they find out who will make it into the debut...

I look at the tv and first is rap group again and they announced...HARUTO!!!!

" god..he made it.." I said putting my hand over my mouth.

He made it...he actually made it...

Next announced was OMG BANG YEDAM!!!

I'm so proud of him! He's been training the longest out of every one and he did it! This is a good start to 2019, he made it to finally debut!

The next person is in the dance team and the dancer was SO JUNGHWAN!!!!

"He's so young..Wow.." I said unbelievably surprised.

I mean he's good at a lot of things so I'm not that surprised but he's officially been chosen.

Next was from the vocal group again and it was KIM JUNKYU!! His voice is so fricken nice and relaxing. Junkyu is such a visual, he surly has a true talent in him.

Congratulations to YOON JAEHYUK❤️. I wish the best of luck!! He's so talented like ughh❤️. Like he got casted by SM, JYP, CUBE, PLEDIS, WOOLIM, and YUE  HUA. Yet he chose for YG and made honestly wow. And when he got announced today I saw the comments and a lot of them weren't very pleasing to read. Like a lot of people weren't very happy that he was the 6th. Even though he hasn't been training for that long technically only a few months, but he still has all my respect for him.

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now