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I suddenly slowly open my eyes and I feel strong arms wrapped around my waist not letting me move or even try to grab my phone to see the time. I turn around see Haruto..?! Why is Haruto in the same bed with me?! I quickly grab my phone and turn on my screen brightness a little to see that it's actually him. Why is he holding me..? I see the time and it's 3:40 a.m...

I should go back to sleep but how can I go back to sleep when my ex is sleeping next to me?

I try to turn back around so my back faces him but instead he tightens his arms more around me so my face is buried into his chest.

I miss his scent so's so calming to me and still is...

When we used to date we'd always cuddle...every time I had a nightmare he'd always be there for me and comfort me.

A few hours later when the sun is up

I wake up to the sun shining towards my face.

I look around my room and my bed and see that Haruto's still here. He's still cute when he sleeps.

"How can someone be so beautiful when they sleep..?" I said softly

I check my phone and it's 8:30, I should get ready.

Right when I'm about to stand up from the bed the door opens revealing Nayeon with a shocking face.

"Morning Y/-,"

"Um Y/N why is Haruto sleeping in your room?" She whispered.

"I'll tell you downstairs, let's go to the living room." I said getting out of my room and walking down the stairs with Nayeon following behind.

"So why is he there? Was he there the whole night?!" She asked

"I don't remember? I think so??" I said confusingly.

"How do you not remember?" She said

Ohh now I got it

"Oh I remember now. I had a headache last night and Haruto made me tea and came into my room and I guess he just stayed in my room the night?" I said not entirely sure if that's what happened.

"But that barely explains what happened." She said

"Whatever I'll just ask Haruto later." Nayeon said getting up to make breakfast.

"Okay, well I'm going upstairs to wash up! Call me when breakfast is ready." I said running up the stairs.

After you two washed up, ate your breakfast you guys are now at the modeling building currently with Ms Tanaka.

"Ms Tanaka will we be walking the runway solo or with a pair?" Nayeon asked

"Um both." She said

"Both?" I asked

"Yes you guys will be paired up with one guy and stick with that guy throughout." She said

"Ohh Okay." Nayeon said

"Have you decided the pairs?" I asked

"Actually Yes!" She answered

"You girls have met the other female and male models right?" Ms Tanaka asked.

We nodded

"Great! Okay so Y/N, I think your pair will be best that it's Haruto. Because you two are very alike even personality wise, and you guys just give me a special connection together. I say you guys are a good match." She says

I nod in agreement, sorta

"And Nayeon I will pair you up with a guy named Lee Taeyeog. Is that okay? Have you two met?" She asked

"Oh yes! He is very nice and has good manners." Nayeon said.

"Great! Then the pairs I gave you two are all settled! Let's get on to walking down the runway and your pose at the end. So just wait here and I will get the other models." Ms Tanaka said.

I nodded

I just stared into space when I felt Nayeon nudging me.

I gave her a "what" face

"Oooh!" Nayeon said

"What?" I said kinda annoyed

"Ms Tanaka said that you and Haruto are a good match!!" She almost screamed in happiness.

"You guys should really get back together!"

"No." I said

"Come on Y/N, it's obvious he still likes you or practically still loves you." She said

"No Nayeon, he doesn't." I said

Nayeon was about to speak when we saw Ms Tanaka and the other models come in.

"Alright since were all here Shall we get started?" Ms Tanaka said

"Hey Y/N!" A voice said which makes me turn around.

"Oh hey Emi!" I said

"Are you ready for practicing the runway?" She asked.

"I don't know maybe? I'm nervous that I'll just fall of the runway since we can't look down while walking." I said

"It's okay, I've had that feeling for my first time too." She laughed

"Oh and who's your partner?" She asked

"Haruto..", I said

"Omg your so lucky Y/N, he's so good looking and tall. He's like everyone's ideal boyfriend!" Emi said hyping me up.

Not for me..

Why am I lying to myself??

Hello thanks for comments on my previous chapter! I really appreciate it and I loved the comments I saw💕. I hope to see some comments on this one too, even thought it wasn't as great as the other one.

SEEING YOU AGAIN(HARUTO)Where stories live. Discover now