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Omg today is finally the day I'm going into YG Entertainment!!

"Y/N are you ready to leave?" My mom asked

"Yeah I'm coming downstairs" I said making my way down.

"Aww my precious Y/N is going to be a model!" She said pinching my cheeks like a little baby.

"Mom stopp" I said laughing

Later we arrive at the building

Damn this place is huge..a lot bigger than I imagined.

"Wow..I haven't been here in forever" my mom said gazing at the huge building.

I turn to her confused

"You've been here before?" I asked

She nodded "When you were little your dad and I used to visit here a few times."


"Let's head in" she said and me following behind.

"Okay boys stand up", Mr Yang said

"So I found the new YG models.." he said

Everyone started screaming and wowing especially Jeongwoo and Hyunsuk..

But my face shows no expression

"I only picked 5 models to be in YG and I will pick 5 of you boys to be in a photo shoot with them." Mr Yang said shocking us, well..most of us.

"I want all of you guys to be back tomorrow here in the morning at 10:00 a.m. I will announce the 5 boys." He said

We all nodded and Mr Yang left the room.

"This place is so nice on the inside.." I said looking around only on the first floor.

"Y/N!" Someone said my name, I turn my head and see Mr Yang and bow.

"You ready to become a model?" He asked smiling


"Ok! Shall we go upstairs and meet the rest of the models?" He asked us

"Yes" my mom said we followed him upstairs.

"Oh and Y/N just to let you know is that you are the youngest model out of all of them." He said.

"Oh okay" I said

"How old are you again Y/N?"

"15" he turned to me shocked

"15? You look older than that because you look tall." He said

"Yeah.." I said chuckling a bit

I could get lost in this building...

While walking past a lot of rooms I walk past by a room that's full of a bunch of teenage boys I guess? They are pretty good looking.

We arrive in a room like a meeting room with a lot of chairs and I see the rest of the other models in there too.

"Bye Y/N call me when your done" my mom said.

I nodded

"Okay girls you can all sit down in a seat." Mr Yang said

"How about we introduce ourselves?" Mr Yang suggested.

"Let's start with you"

"Hi I'm Kim Nayeon, I'm 18 years old. It's nice to meet you all." She said with a smile.

"Hey I'm Lee Chaeyeon. I'm 22 years old and I'm from Gangnam Seoul."

"Hello I'm Kim Taerin, and I'm 16 years old."

"Hi my name is Choi Yoojung. I'm 19 years old."

"Hello I'm Sung Y/N, and I'm 15 years old."

They all look shocked, probably because of my age.

"Now that we all introduced ourselves, you guys are going to have a photo shoot tomorrow with 5 of my male trainees that are trying to debut. And I know you guys just joined the company but we need to announce you all to the public that's why." He said

We all nodded

"Oh and by the way, I will be having you guys all live together in a nice and spacious apartment near this building. Are you guys okay with that?" He asked us

"Yes" we all said

"Great! I will leave you guys now to get to know each other more. Goodnight girls." He said leaving the room.

We were kind of awkward for a little bit until someone spoke up and I believe her name is Yoojung?

"So how did you guys get discovered by YG?" She asked

"Oh um I got scouted while I was just at a cafe with my boyfriend." Nayeon said

"I got scouted by one of his assistants while I was walking out of school." Taerin said

"I got scouted just by doing some shopping" Chaeyeon said with a smile.

"Nice, well I got scouted by Mr Yang while singing at my school talent show which was outside." Yoojung said.

"Wait so you got scouted in modeling and not for singing?" Taerin asked Yoojung laughing a little bit.

"How about you Y/N? How did you get into the company?" Chaeyeon asked with a nice warming smile.

"Oh um my parents are actually good friends with YG, so he came over to my house and asked." I said

"Luckyy" They said

"Wait Y/N your only 15?" Taerin asked

I nodded

"Dang but your so tall for a 15 year old." Nayeon said

"I know right, I'm actually homeschooled so nobody thinks I'm actually 15." I said chuckling.

They laughed along

"Guys were gonna have a great time living together!" Chaeyeon said

"Definitely" Yoojung said and we all smiled

I don't think I'm doing my best in this one but it's alright. And I will not be updating for a few days because my phone will be off at a place I will be staying at for a few days. Thank you for the fast reads so far!

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