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You guys arrive back in Korea and go back to your separate dorms.

"Doesn't it feel so good to be back home in Korea?" Nayeon asked as we get on the elevator with our stuff.

"Yes" I said

"Ah! I can't wait to see Taerin, Yoojung and Chaeyeon again." I said

She nodded smiling widely.

We arrive at the dorms and we head inside.

"We're home!" Nayeon shouted

"Y/N Nayeon!!!!!!" The other girls came towards us running and hugging us tightly.

"Ahh! I missed you guys so much." I said

"Us too." Taerin said

"So how was modeling in Japan?" Chaeyeon asked.

"It was great!" Nayeon and I said together.

"Aw that's great to hear." Chaeyeon said

"Wait are we working today?" I asked

"No, Mr Yang said that since you guys all just got back from Japan he's letting us all have a day off." Yoojung said

"Ohh thank god." Nayeon said in relief.

"You guys must be really tired, Hey you two should go and sleep more okay?" Yoojung said

"Yeah..I'll see you guys later when I wake up again." I said yawning and walking lazily back to my room.

"Me too." Nayeon said jogging up to me.

"Y/N can we talk for a little bit?" Nayeon asked me.

"Yeah sure let's talk in my room." I said

Once we sat on my bed I spoke up.

"So what do you need to talk about?" I asked.

"Ok so um last night you had a nightmare.." she said

"Oh..I did?" I asked

She nodded but then made an odd face.

"You don't remember?"

I shake my head

"Y/N you were crying a lot last night because of that nightmare. Haruto, Junkyu and I rushed to your room last night and tried to settle you down but you kept on crying which made us worry so much." She said

"Oh..I'm sorry for causing that when you guys were supposed to be sleeping.." I said softly.

"And then later on Haruto soon came up to you to see if he could comfort you."

I stayed silent.

"Then he said he's got it in control and made us leave the room just leaving you two alone. A little bit later I came back to the room to check up on you and when I opened the door slightly..I didn't hear any cries from you anymore. I saw Haruto laying in bed with you hugging you."

"He what..?" I asked

"Y/N every time something bad happens to you or you start crying, he always knows what to do. It's like he exactly knows what to do in these kinds of situations with you. When you started to cry he made you stop crying in an instant when the rest of us couldn't.

I stayed silent

"Y/N..do you feel safe when your around him...?" Nayeon asked patting my back.

I nodded while letting out a few tears.

"Even though you guys broke up, you guys still knew a lot about each other. When we got that desert for Haruto in Japan..you knew exactly which one he would like. When Haruto came home that night and you gave him the desert he smiled instantly.."

"How did you know that I gave it to him..?" I asked

"I saw you two downstairs in the kitchen. I was upstairs watching you guys." She said slightly laughing.

"Do you still love him?"

"Hm?" I asked softly

"Do you still have feelings for him?"

I nodded

"All those times I said you guys are good together..you denied it. Wow so you were lying to me.." Nayeon said pretending to be heart broken.

I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Just go and date him again." She said

"Ha..I wish but YG treasure box is apparently ending in a few days and Haruto is probably one of the guys that will debut this time so it won't work out..." I said sadly

"Well I'm going to sleep now Y/N." She said almost walking out.

"Oh and Y/N?"

I look at her waiting for her to say

"You never know.." she said smiling gently and closing the door.

Who do you think the other three boys will be? Comment down who you think. I'm honestly really proud of this story like this story already has more than 200 votes💕

Thank you!

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