Chapter 15 - Leave

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"Sissy? What's it feel like to be in love?" Marisol's small voice asked me.

"Why? you're only eight." I giggled at her.

"Well you have Jet. Do you love him?" She asked as she played with her E-Reader.

"Jet and I have been like family since we were very, very little. So yes I think I love him." I answered my younger sister honestly. I was only fourteen and Jet was fifteen, but it felt real.

"What's it feel like?" Her voice was high and adorable and i smiled down at her.

"It feels like butterflies are constantly flying in my stomach whenever he's around. I've began to think everything about him is perfect; even his flaws. Oh! And I always want to be with him. Even when he's mad, I'd still rather be with him than without." I got lost in thoughts of Jet as I explained love to Marisol.

He wasn't my boyfriend, but he was my best friend. We already knew we'd grow up and marry each other and live the fairytale life. Jet was perfect in every right way

"I can't wait to fall in love." Marisol spoke with awe.

"Love is evil. Don't grow up too fast." I wrapped her In a hug.

"You have 30 seconds to hide before I tickle you to death." I whispered into her ear and she took off running.

White. That's all I saw as I opened my eyes. My head was still pounding, so I knew I was still living. At least for the time being.

I took in my surroundings and came to the realization that i was in a completely white room. There's wasn't a speck of color in the room, except for my clothes, which has been changed.

I was wearing black sweat pants and a red tanktop. An I.V. ran down my arm and went into my vein in my elbow. I felt light headed ,which didn't help my already pained head.

Across from me was a white door that slowly started to creak open. I closed my eyes before i could see who it was. Maybe if i pretended to stay unconscious, they won't hurt me.

I heard the shuffling of feet and then a felt a presence next to my bed. Someone inhaled a sharp, morose breath.

"She's still not up?" Nash's voice sounded nearly broken.

A hand came down and cupped my cheek. I had to force my eyes shut as his finger started to trace my features.

"She went through a lot. Didn't you see what was pulled up on her phone? She knows. I'm sorry. Maybe she wasn't the one like you wanted her to be.Dude, you're lucky if she understands. She has a harsh grudge against our kind." Matt tried to explain apologetically.

Nash didn't reply. I felt him bend over and place his forehead on my shoulder. Something dripped from his face and rolled down my shoulder blade.

"I'm sorry." I faintly heard him whisper.

I opened my eyes. Matt must have left the room, because the room was bare apart from Nash and I. He didn't realize I was awake.

My heart flew with fear and I had the urge to push him off of me and run. His hand that held mine tightened. That's when i heard his heart broken cry.

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him. He jumped in surprise and then pulled away to look at me. His eyes looked ecstatic and afraid at the same time.

"Ver - Verona? Are you okay?" He was no longer making any contact with me and I was thankful for that.

I looked at his physical appearance. His face was flawless and he was perfectly built. He had a nervous smile on his lips and he almost looked okay.

But then I looked closer at him. His eyes drooped from stress and lack of sleep. The hair on his head stuck in all directions, as if he had run his hand through it hundreds of times today. Scratches littered his tan skin, but thankfully they were healing.

"What happened?" I asked as I moved as far away from his as possible. I hadn't forgotten what I read and I didn't trust him.

"After I left the car, I went to meet some people I had business with. At first everything was going good, but then one of them came out carrying you. Your head was bleeding uncontrollably." Nash paused as he remembered what happened. He looked so torn; I almost felt sorry for him.

"They threatened to kill you. Fortunately, I had back up waiting in case anything bad, like this, happened. It ended in violence and death, but luckily I was able to get to you before it was too late."

I didn't say anything. I just remembered being captured by a Pernicious. His hungry red eyes had bore into mine. It was a sight that I would never be able to forget.

"I found your phone in my car." Nash laid my transparent device by my side.

"Why aren't your eyes red?" I coldly questioned.

He sighed and pinched his fingers to the bridge of his nose. He already looked so stressed, but i wanted answers.

"Do you wear contacts? So you appear human so you can lure people in and kill them?" I could tell each question was a dagger to his heart. Again, I didn't care.

He replied with a broken laugh.

"What are the odds that out of the hundreds of years that I've lived, I find one girl I like and she hates me? I'd never hurt you or any human. I never have, Verona. I want peace just as much as you do. That's why I'm the leader of the western world. What do I have to do to prove myself to you?" He was patient and didn't sound angry. I still kept my distance, but i listened with more understanding.

"You lied to me. Stand up comedy? Really?" I folded my arms over my chest; ignoring the pain in my wrists.

"We do tour, but it's to speak to the public about our plans for humanity. I'm sorry I lied. I didn't want you to leave without giving me a chance. We don't choose what we're born as, but we sure as hell get a say in what we die as."

I thought about his words. They were honestly true. Some humans are born in poverty and die heros. Maybe Nash was born as a Pernicious, but he hasn't killed anyone.

'So he says.'

"Please just give me a chance."

"I gave you a chance already. Look where that got me!" I gestured around the room.

"You're lucky i let you in to my life as much as I did. It might have only been a week, but that's much longer than anyone has ever gotten with me since I left home!" I was angry now. I gave him so much of my time and explained a lot of my life to him.

"Give the real me a chance." Nash begged. He moved his hand towards mine and I pulled away from him roughly.

"I want to go back to my apartment. When can I leave" I stared at the door as I asked my question.

Even though I wasn't looking at Nash, I could tell he felt defeated and his head was low. He sighed again and I felt his hand placed on my arm. I pulled away again.

"You can go home tomorrow."

"I don't want to see you after tomorrow." I spat at him.

I felt so betrayed and manipulated. This is why I had trust issues. I probably would never let anyone else in after this.

Nash nodded and a tear slid down his cheek. "I understand. Nice meeting you, Verona. I'm sorry for all the harm my kind and I have caused to you."

Without another word he left the room. I stared at the white door as it closed. My head still felt light headed, so I decided to sleep until tomorrow.

Maybe life will go back to normal now.

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