Chapter 20 - Soft Touch

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I pushed myself away from him and swam back onto the boat. I could hear Nash sighing from the water once I was sitting on the dry deck.

I didn't know much about his species, but i did know enough to feel sympathy towards him. It was in their blood to kill, which is why I didn't want to see Nash in the first place. I admired him for staying pure, but I knew deep down he would always have that thirst for disaster.

I also know that their moods change quickly. Which is why Nash had gone from sweet, to lustful, to psychotic within three minutes. That was just something I don't think I could deal with. I plan on continuing with the 'weekend getaway', but chances at a relationship were looking bad.

The final thing I knew about The Pernicious is that they are extremely possessive. Once they believe they own something, then nothing stops them from claiming that thing as theirs. I hoped that Nash hadn't thought of me as 'his'. I am my own person and I didn't want to be tied down by his desires.

"I'm sorry. I guess that water gets to my head." Nash joked as he climbed back onto the boat.

I didn't laugh, instead I glared at him and held a towel tightly over my exposed body. His eyes were the light turquoise again, but i didn't trust his emotions to remain the same.

"I'm sorry about that." He nodded towards the water, "I try to control myself, but sometimes I just..." He cut off his thought.

The stubborn side of me (my mind) wanted to stay as far away from Nash as I could and I've been trying to listen to that part of me. Then there was the other side of me which cared too deeply, loved too quickly, and trusted too easily (my heart).

"Do you want to go back to the cottage? Or continue on the boat for awhile more?" Nash asked and the answer that made logical sense was to go back. It was now a fight between my mind and heart.

He just told you he was a monster! I shouldn't bond with him; I should avoid as much time with him as I can!

But it's so obvious that he has some genuine feelings for me. Why would he go through the trouble of trying to win me over if he didn't care?

He probably has some elaborate, complex plan drawn up. He's evil and he will hurt you.

Or maybe he's broken hearted and just needs some mending. He's lived too long of a life and I'm sure he's experience more pain than one being should ever go through. Give him a chance.

After a few moments of arguing with myself, I met Nash's gaze. He was worried and nervous for my answer. I slightly motioned for him to turn the boat back on.

"What's the lake look like over there?" I asked as I pointed to the side in front of us.

His expression went from glum to bewildered in half a second. He hastily turned on the boat and soared through the water. The smile was never wiped off his face.

He sped the boat towards this shallow part in the lake. It looked like a nice place to park the boat and just relax in the water. Once the boat was turned off and anchored, Nash got up and grabbed some floating devices from under the seats.

He handed me an inner tube with a solid bottom and a water gun. I scrunched my eyebrows at the harmless weapon. Nash chuckled and hopped into the lake.

I shrugged and gently got in the water. I climbed on my raft and scooped up any water inside of it. Then i loaded my water gun and looked for Nash.

As i searched for him, I felt something cool hit my back. I spun around in time to see him dying of laughter as he went for another wave of shots. I dodged the water this time and aimed my gun at him.

I pulled the plastic trigger and hit Nash's face. He stopped laughing and gave me a serious look. My hands fumbled with the water machine in my hand as I squirted him again.

He ducked under the water and escaped my sight. I shivered when the wind blew on my wet back. Nash stayed under for about a minute when i felt something bump underneath the inner tube.

I felt another bump before the tube was flipped and I was thrown into the water. Even though we were playing a harmless game, I still felt my heart beat speed up. Nash was still under the water.

A scream flew out of my mouth when something grabbed my leg and yanked me under the water. I opened my eyes, but obviously I couldn't see anything in the dark lake. I could fell something press their warm body against mine though.

Then a pair of lips clashed into mine. His lips attacked mine, but i didn't kiss him back. I felt his hand grab my side harshly, then we broke to the surface of the water.

I gasped as air filled my lungs again. The feeling didn't last long though, because Nash's lips pounced onto mine again. Again, I didn't move mine in sync with his.

I heard a low growl go through his body and it frightened me. His hands held me too tightly and i felt suffocated.

"Please Verona. Kiss. Me. Back." He whispered with power.

Afraid of the consequences, I reluctantly moved my lips with his. He groaned and loosened his hands on my body. The kiss wasn't full of lust or need, instead I felt passion and love behind it. Fireworks exploded through my body as the kiss continued.

'Please don't stop.'

Wait what? Did I really just think that? I shouldn't think that about anyone, let alone someone like Nash. He isn't right for me. How can I love a monster?

After a short period of time, he pulled away. His bright, blue eyes met mine and a shiver went down my body. His breaths were heavier than normal and he had an innocent smile on his lips.

He pulled me through the water and back onto the boat. Silence. That's the only thing I heard. Finally once we were settled in the boat, Nash laughed.

"Let's go back to the cabin." And without another word, we were speeding through the water and making our way back to the docks.

'His mood changes faster than I can keep up with'

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