Chapter 31- Afterlife

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"Verona, please stop with this nonsense. I'm kidding! It's too soon to change you." I saw his hands move to cradle my face, but I took a step back.

"That's not something you should joke about." I spat at him.

"I'm sorry. Now come on and join me for dinner downstairs. Then you can watch Nash drive himself far away from here and you can start packing."

My brown eyes met his red ones with confusion. "Packing for what?"

"Well, we're not going to stay here and let him arrest us. We're going to leave tonight. I'm going to take you far away from here and in a few days time, hopefully you'll be one of us." Jet sounded so smug.

I let this new information process in my head. I didn't worry though, I believed Nash would save me before it's too late. Instead I gave Jet a small, uncertain smile and nodded in understanding. He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the elevator. When we stepped in, I saw my reflection on every angle of the moving box. Jet smiled at me in the mirror and put his arm, possessively, around my waist.

The doors to the elevator opened moments later to some large ballroom. A large table was set in the middle of the room with two plates on it. Salads were placed on the table in front of the chairs and there was a server standing by the fireplace. The room was glamorous and I found myself admiring the beauty of the crystal chandelier.

Jet guided me to the table and held a chair out for me. I nodded a thanks and sat down. I was starved and the food in front of me was taunting me. Picking up the napkin on the table, I neatly set it across my lap and folded my hands. My mind decided it was wise to listen to Jet instead of rebel; it wasn't like I'd be here much longer anyway.

After Jet sat down, he lifted his fork and began stabbing at the salad. I took that as my cue to eat. I could feel his eyes burn into me, but I refused to look at him. I was trying to be civil, but it was harder to do when I had to see his face.

"So Verona... how do you feel about Brazil? More specifically, Rio." Jet asked nonchalantly.

Back in its peak, Rio had been a beautiful city full of tourist. Now Rio was a restricted area; home to many Pernicious. The Government tried to kill them off or lock them up, but there were simply too many of the damn things in that area. So instead, they built a great wall that makes it almost impossible to get in or out of Rio.

With this information in my mind, I looked at Jet. I'm sure he knew exactly how I felt about Rio.

"It's no place for a human girl. I don't plan on ever going there and part of me wishes the government would just blow the place up." I smiled kindly at Jet.

"That's a shame. I have a helicopter coming tomorrow afternoon. We're going to Rio, so I recommend having an open mind about the beautiful city." He finished his salad and looked up at me.

I didn't respond; there was no point in trying to argue. With any luck his helicopter would be shot down. So if by some chance Nash doesn't save me, then at least I'll die before being turned into a monster.


"Hayes I can save you. We can leave; I can take you with Verona and I." My voice sounded strong and confident; years of being a politician helped with my acting.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you. Jet has been like a brother to me and I'd rather stay with him and die than to leave with you." Hayes's eyes narrowed.

I looked at the ground, then back at Hayes. So much has changed since I last saw him and I knew our bond was broken long ago, but I wouldn't leave him here. Jet wasn't any good for my brother and I knew it. If Hayes were to stay here, he would turn into a ruthless killer.

The table next to us held a needle with some kind of serum in it. It looked like the same stuff the guard had used to drain my strength and knock me out. Hayes was starting to fidget and it wouldn't take much longer for him to realize he can break free. So with pain in my heart, I plunged the needle into his shoulder and let the serum course through his body.

"OW! What are you d-do-..." Hayes couldn't even finish his sentence before he passed out. His chest still rose and fell, which aloud me to release my worries. He wasn't dead.

I didn't know how long the serum would keep him out for, I just knew I had to her find Verona quickly and get both her and Hayes out of here.


The Butler brought out the last course; dessert. On a small platter, there was a chocolate lava cake surrounded by strawberries. It looked marvelous and despite who I was having dinner with, the meal had gone rather well. Jet didn't talk too much more, other than to share his opinions on the food. The quiet was gladly welcomed.

"Well a toast; to immortality." Jet raised his glass and I mimicked his actions; thinking only of Nash and how his immortality brought him to me. My lips pressed against the glass and I felt a tingle down my throat as the white wine slid down.

"Please try the lava cake. It's my personal favorite." After Jet's orders, I lifted my fork and took at small bite.

Flavor exploded on my taste buds. It tasted just as amazing as it looked. I took another sip of wine and then I felt dizzy. I hadn't drank much, so I knew it wasn't the alcohol. My eyes looked up across the table to see Jet smirk.

"Sweet dreams, Darling. Soon all will be right" I slid back in my chair and felt my mind go dark, after hearing Jet's words.

My whole body was on fire. Excruciating pain was all I could feel. It was as if every nerve in my body was being burned. I couldn't hear anything, except my own screams. I knew this wasn't a nightmare, because nightmare didn't feel like this.

Maybe I was finally dying. All these years of suffering through loneliness and wishing for death have finally came true. The only problem is, I no longer want to die. I've finally found some happiness with Nash and it was being ripped away from me.

The pain was somehow growing. Each second got worse and I was sure I would see a light any minute now. But before I saw the light, my body went numb and I, once again, blacked out.


She's almost done now. I looked down on Verona's beautiful body. She was now in her undergarments before me, but not for my pleasure. The clothes would have made the process more painful for her; constricting her body when it needs to twitch and bend in various ways.

The majority of her bones had been broken, but it was necessary for the change. Her screaming both pained me and excited me. Soon she would open her eyes and see the world as I do. In a blanket of red.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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