Chapter 27 - Fake it

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My eyes burst open as a loud bang erupted from behind the door. The door opened for a split second and then immediately closed. I didn't have time to see who was thrown in here with me, but I sensed a presence besides me.

My heart rate sped up. I prayed it was just Hayes. He might be mean, but anything was better than Jet.

"Hello?" I asked to the black room.

"Verona?" Nash's voice echoed off the walls.

Fingers brushed over my shoulder and I was immediately pulled into a bone crushing hug. I left out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My arms held him tightly against me. I didn't want to let him go, but I needed to know what happened.

"You're okay. Thank God you're okay." He spoke to himself as he rubbed my back.

"You weren't there..." I silently remember.

Tears poured out of my eyes as I remember the past few days. It was just too much; I was finally broken. My life was like a bad soap opera. Luckily, Nash didn't mind my waterworks soaking his shirt though.

"I'm so so so sorry. I couldn't sleep so I went down to the pier. The calm water and the stars always relax me. I was only gone for ten minutes. When I got back you were gone." His grip tightened around me.

"I thought you left me, because of the incident at the lake. So I went to find you; try to explain myself, but you weren't anywhere you normally went. I went looking for you." Nash chuckled darkly.

"They found me before I found them. You would think the ruler of the northern countries would have some kind of security, especially after his girlfriend has been kidnapped." Although I couldn't see, I could sense Nash shake his head bitterly.


I shook the thought away and moved my hand around until it was resting on Nash's cheek. My thumb traced his lips slowly. I could feel him smirking; probably knowing what I was going to do.

I kissed him. This time I didn't hold myself back or remain frozen. My lips molded into his perfectly. This kiss wasn't lustful like our first kiss, instead it had a great amount of passion behind it.

"I have some good and bad news." I pulled my lips away from his, but our foreheads rested against each others.

"What is it babe?" Nash asked, slightly out of breath.

'He just called me babe' My inner teen girl screamed in my mind.

"Hayes-" I was cut off.

"How do you know Hayes's name?" Nash pulled away from me slightly. His arms held mine as he sounded surprised.

"I met him..." I mumbled.

"Where? How? When? Is he okay? Verona, oh my God, please take me to him. I'll kick this damn door down myself! How did he lo-"

"Nash! Please just listen to me and maybe I'll answer your questions!" I giggled, even though the subject wasn't very funny.

"Hayes is here. He's fourteen, but he looks older. You guys have the same eyes." I smiled slightly; although he couldn't see me.

"He's innocent?" Nash whispered to himself.

"Yes, but I don't know for how much longer. He's here with Jet." My mouth snapped shut as soon as his name left my lips.

"Who's Jet?" Nash asked.

I didn't know how to answer that. Should I tell him about my psychotic first love? How do I even explain that?

"He lived in my hometown... I kinda used to... love him?" I whispered the last part so quietly that even I couldn't hear it.

"You used to what?" Nash shuffled next to me.

"Love him..." I spoke slightly louder, but still very quiet.

Nash stiffened next to me. I felt his knuckles rub against my arm as he rubbed his shoulder awkwardly. Then he let out a nervous laugh.

"I thought they all died?" He asked not rudely, but he sounded slightly angry.

"I thought everyone did. Until now I believed I was the only survivor. Jet said he was turned into a Pernicious before he died." I shrugged lamely and again he couldn't see.

"So he kidnapped you why?"

"He loves me... or that's what he said, but he was the one who almost killed me back at your event. What kind of love is that?" I sighed. My head was pounding. I had a headache that seemed to be permanent.

"I know how we can get out of here." Nash stated.

"How?" I turned my head in his direction.

His hands found mine and our fingers intertwined. He brought my hands to his lips and kissed me, before resting my palm on his cheek.

"You don't have to do it. It's only an idea..."

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

"You have to pretend to love him... pretend like you hate me, but set me free and then sneak away. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Nash explained the plan.

"You've promised to protect me once before."I reminded him of a few nights ago.

"This time will be different."

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