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CARRYING FOUR WATER BOTTLES in her hand, she sends one last glare to the women watching her from a distance. It was her idea to give the water to them but that doesn't mean she wanted to deliver them herself. But of course the others had decided to force the shy girl into an awkward situation.
Staring down at the ground as she hoists herself into the truck, she raises her eyes, holding her arms out. "Here. This is for the ride." She utters, avoiding eye contact with the hasty redneck in front of her. Daryl pulls one of the water bottles out of her hand, taking note of her shyness. Shuffling past him, she moves towards the front of the truck, letting out a breath she was holding.
"Here, boys." She tells the other two, more comfortable around them. The rest of the cold water bottles are taken from her hands and she leans onto the seat, looking between Glenn and T-Dog. Her eyes catch sight of the map and she leans over Glenn's shoulder, eyeing it.
"I hate maps." She whispers before beginning to walk backwards. Before she can fully turn around, she smashes into someone's back and she falls to the ground, her back slamming against the ground of the truck.
"Watch where you're going!" Daryl yells, turning to meet her eyes.
"Oh —shit!" She exclaims, her cheeks turning dark red.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to — ohmy god!" She rambles, standing to be feet and hopping out of the truck before Daryl could even reply back to her.
"I don't like y'all." Aria grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest, staring back at the group of laughing women.
♚ ♛
Ripples form in the crystal clear water as the group of women wash the group's clothes. Pulling a shirt out of the water, drops of water splashes into the water. Aria looks away from the shirt as she squeezes the water out. Her eyes brighten up as she looks at Carl laugh, despite the problems in the world. "I do miss my maytag." Carol speaks up and Aria looks at her, nodding.
Scrubbing the shirt, Aria looks over at Andrea. "I miss my Benz, my sat nav." Aria chuckles before dunking the shirt back in the water.
"I miss my coffeemaker. With that dual-drop filter and built in grinder, honey." Jaqaui adds, squeezing water out of the clothes she is washing.
"My computer — texting."
Aria purses her lips, looking up. "I miss my bed and my books." She says, reminiscing about the past. Carol looks at Aria, a smile playing on her face.
"You and Amy are truly opposites, huh?" Aria nods, her eyebrows raising.
"I miss my vibrator." Andrea says before Aria could reply to Carol. Her mouth falls open and she laughs, shaking her head.
"Oh my god." Her and Amy exclaim in unison, looking at each other. Carol looks over her shoulder before looking at Andrea.
"Me too." She agrees and Aria bends over, laughing harder. Carol looks around at everyone, smiling widely. Raising her head and shaking it, she shakes the water out of the shirt, giggling.
"What's so funny?" A man's voice calls and Aria abruptly stops laughing at the tone of it. Dropping the shirt in the water and turning around, she sees Ed walking towards them.
"Just swapping war stories, Ed." Andrea replies, humor in her tone. Silently looking back down, she hands the shirt to Jacquai, without having to turn around. Grabbing another piece of clothing, she dunks it into the water before grabbing the brush and scrubbing the stains.
"Problem, Ed?" Andrea asks, her voice full of sassiness. Raising her head and sending her older sister a look, Aria clenches her jaw.
"Nothin' that concerns you. And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." Biting her bottom lip, her cheeks begin to burn and her hands start trembling.
"Ed, tell you what —you don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself, here." Andrea speaks up, standing to her feet and throwing the wet shirt at Ed's chest. Throwing the shirt down and jumping to her feet, Aria turns around, her eyebrows furrowed. Ed harshly throws the shirt back at Andrea's chest.
"Ain't my job, missy." Rushing up beside Amy, the twins try to stop their older sister.
"What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass, smoking cigarettes?"
"Well it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart mouth, bitch! Tell you what-come on! Lets go." Ed demands Carol and Aria shakes her head, grabbing ahold of Carol's hand before the vulnerable woman could walk off with the horrible human being.
"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed." Andrea denies, glaring at the bigger man. Pulling Carol closer to her, Aria wraps her other arm around the woman, preventing her from moving forward.
"And I say it's none of your business. Come on, now! You heard me." Carol sends a pleading look to Aria and she shakes her head, holding her tighter.
"Hey, don't think I won't knock you on your ass, just because you're a woman." Ed snaps at Aria, causing the smaller girl to cower back in fear. With her being distracted and scared, Carol untangles herself from Aria's grip, moving forward.
"Now, you come on now or you're gonna regret it later." Ed harshly grabs ahold of Carol's arm, beginning to pull her after him.
"Carol —you don't have to!" Aria speaks up, rushing after her.
"You don't tell me what! I tell you what!" Ed yells, rearing back and slapping Carol. Pulling Carol into her hold, Aria hugs the now bleeding woman in her arms, glaring at Ed.
As Aria and Amy hold carol tightly in their grasps, Aria watches sadly as Shane begins to beat Ed. Rubbing Carol's back, Aria tries to shush Carol's sobbing.
One thing is for sure, any man who hits a woman isn't a man at all.