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ARIA SENDS A nasty glare over towards a drunken Daryl. She doesn't know what his problem is right now but when he walked in, he was in a pissy mood. Running a hand through her thick blonde hair, Aria takes a step away from him, a huff escaping her lips. She was going to tell him about the baby but now she's not. The two never talked about having children, they just never planned on it.
"What is your problem? Why are you so mad at me?" Aria yells back at him, her arms flying out to the side to emphasize the anger. Daryl's eyes narrow into slits causing Aria to shrink back slightly. She can see the anger in his eyes and it frightens her. Everytime she'd get bullied, she looked into their eyes and that's what scared her most, is the fury in their orbs. "My problem is that all you do is sit on your fat ass doing nothin'." Aria's mouth falls open at his words, her eyes widening.
Her mouth opens and closes as she struggles to find any words to say. Shaking her head, she moves past him. She hates when this side of Daryl comes out. He always seems to say things that have a huge effect on her.
♚ ♛
Aria stands beside Michonne, arms crossed over her stomach as the pair talk. "Have you told anyone?" Aria shakes her head, her eyes lowering to the ground. "I don't really want anyone to know right now." She mumbles and Michonne nods, understanding what the younger female means. Aria's a little disappointed in herself. Her and Daryl should've used protection but they completely forgot. Now they have to deal with a child in this world. She doesn't believe she can do it.
Her blue eyes raise up from the ground and trail over towards where Daryl is sitting on his motorcycle. He looks upset and that saddens Aria. She doesn't like seeing him upset, even if she is a little mad at him right now. Sighing lowly, Aria moves away from Michonne and towards Glenn and Maggie. "We'll have these, but we should hide a few. That way, we can find them, but strangers can't. In case anyone gets in." Maggie suggests and Aria nods, agreeing with what she says as Aria shoves a pistol in her holster. "They won't."
A motorcycle revs loudly and Aria spins around, eyes landing on Daryl once again. "Oh no." Michonne utters and Aria rushes forward, her lip in between her teeth. Daryl begins sliding the fence open, everyone looking at him, worry in their eyes. Before Aria can say anything, Daryl hops on his motorcycle and rides out of the community. Michonne and Glenn run past Aria, jumping into a car. Aria walks over towards Michonne's side, a pleading look in her eyes. "Let me go."
"We're not putting you or the baby in danger." Michonne whispers, sending Aria a harsh look. Aria frowns deeply and backs away from the vehicle as Rosita gets in. She hates that she can't go help find her boyfriend.
♚ ♛
Aria climbs down from the guard post, her eyes trained on Rick and Abraham. She's scared. Nobody is back yet, Rick is the only one who has returned. What if the others got hurt? What if they're dead? She's driving herself insane with all the the what if's swirling through her mind. "Hey — i was thinking, maybe I should go out there and look for them." Aria suggests, walking towards the two men. Rick glances down at her, his head shaking. "No. We need you here."
Shit. Aria thinks to herself, a small pout forming on her lips. She was hoping he would let her go out and look for them. She needs to know if they're okay or not. And sitting around here doing nothing is not helping.
"Aria — Rick!" Aria turns towards the desperate yells, her eyebrows flying up in alarm. She watches as Enid runs towards them, tears building up in her eyes. "It's Maggie." At the sound of the pregnant woman's name, Rick and Aria begin running after Enid, Abraham hot on their tail. As they make it to the house, they quickly rush in, hearing Maggie's screams of agony. Aria crouches down next to the writhing woman, her eyes darting everywhere for any sign of blood. "Get the RV! We have to go to Hilltop." Rick demands Abraham, who quickly runs out of the house.
"Hey — we'll get you there safe." But something tells Aria, the sentence she just said, was a huge lie.