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          SADNESS HUNG IN THE AIR, DAMPENING EVERYONE'S SPIRITS. Even if they weren't there to witness it, they ultimately knew what happened to Carl and it still hurt them. They watched that kid grow up into something more, into someone important. Knowing that he wasn't going to be around anymore pained them all. 

Aria is hunched over, hidden away from everyone as she dry heaves, nothing able to come up from her empty stomach. Her body aches with agony and all she can do is try to draw in a deep breath but fails as she gags once again. Tears spill from her eyes at the pain shooting through her throat and head. The nausea has gotten worse and it's not helping that she hasn't ate anything since before Negan appeared in Alexandria. She is now 2 months pregnant and the symptoms are only increasing. 

A hand appears on her back and a body crouches down beside her, Aria glancing over at the person. "I - I don't need your help," She whispers, raising one hand to rub her sore eyes. Daryl sends her a look before shoving the bottle of water and package of crackers in her hands. 

"The hell you don't. Eat and drink up, Aria," Daryl tells her, motioning down towards the things in her hands. "It's not safe for you to try and throw up when you have nothing in your stomach." He remembers the one time he saw his father dry heaving, the man had done popped a blood vessel from the pressure. As Aria sits on the ground, he follows her movements, sitting across from her, his arms propped on his knees. 

"What do you know?" She asks, staring down at the crackers before opening the package and grabbing one, nibbling on it. 

"Enough to know that it's not safe for you or the baby if you don't eat or drink," He replies, eyes situated on the ground. Before coming over here, he had gotten Tara to ask Siddiq about the harms of dehydration and malnutrition during pregnancy. He couldn't ask the man himself, he was too bashful. Though, he did found out that Siddiq secretly knew it was him that was asking. He was confused as to how but then again, maybe he wasn't as sneaky as he thought. 

"Daryl, tell me the truth," Aria pauses, picking at the fabric of her shirt as she thinks before looking up towards him. "Are we not together because of the baby or because one of us fell out of love?" She whispers, truly wanting to know the answer. Aria knows for sure she still loves him with her whole heart but maybe, he didn't. If he didn't, she'd understand but she just wanted closure. In her mind, maybe the pregnancy made him realize he didn't truly love her. 

Daryl's eyebrows furrow at the question and he glares down at the ground, a small scowl working it's way on his face. He began to wonder if she was trying to tell him something, was she trying to say she didn't love him anymore? That thought sent a wave of anger and sadness through him. If she didn't love him anymore, why was he wasting his time trying to show her that he did still love her? What was it going to take for her to realize he wants her back? Being the way that he was, he couldn't outright say it, he couldn't work himself up to. "Are you trying to tell me something because if so, just say it."

She can hear the annoyance beginning to build up in his voice and she shakes her head quickly, telling herself to be patient with him. "No! I'm asking because I want to know, do you still love me or not? Because I. . I still love you and if you don't love me anymore, I don't want to keep thinking that this can still work out." 

"Of course I still love you! I wouldn't be over here sitting with you if I didn't." He felt a little offended that she thought he didn't love her but he couldn't really blame her, he was a confusing person.

"Then what do we do? You already said you don't want this kid and if you don't want it then this won't work out. This baby and I are a package deal. If you truly mean what you said and you don't want this kid, tell me now so I can stop getting my hopes up," Aria bluntly responds, taking a few sips of water as she does so. It was obvious to anyone that the once shy, scared girl has been replaced with someone a bit more outspoken. But after having to deal with Negan and this pregnancy, her emotions are all over the place and she can't help but have a slight attitude. She was still Aria Harrison, she was just under a lot of stress.

"I don't know."

"That's not the answer I'm looking for," She softly sighs, running a hand through her messy hair. 

"What do you want me to say, Aria? I don't want to get attached to a kid and then lose them like Rick! I already have to worry about you," Daryl finally admits his fears, voice slightly raising as he speaks. It's not that he didn't want to be a father, he's more or less scared. He doesn't want to be a deadbeat father like his dad nor does he want to go through the pain of losing a child. 

"Daryl. . It's okay to be scared and worried, it shows that you care. It's kinda too late to decide if we want a child or not, don't you think?" She asks, trying to lighten the mood. Moving forward, she grabs his hands before placing a kiss on each of his knuckles. "You won't be alone in this, you have me. This baby is going to have not only us looking after it but also the whole group. All we can do is try to protect it the best we can." 

Their eyes meet and Daryl gulps. "I'm sorry," He mumbles, the two words sounding foreign coming from him. He would've said more but he didn't know what to say. 

Already knowing what he's apologizing for, Aria smiles small before finally planting a kiss on his lips, mentally thanking her body for not actually throwing up. "You're forgiven, I love you, Dixon."

"I love you too."


ah, a daria chapter. figured you guys may've needed a cute chapter after reading the last one. 

do you think daryl is going to step up and be a good father whenever the baby comes?

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