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BULLETS FLY OUT of Aria's black Barretta as she aims towards the walkers, shooting some down. Michonne and Aria had ran away from the house, the two females wanting to get to Rick to see what to do. The community is being flooded with walking corpses wanting to kill them. The small group halts in their tracks as another group of walkers appear in front of them and they look around nervously.
Just as the walkers close in, a couple of them fall to the ground, clearing a way for the group. "Come on—i have Judith!" Jessie yells and Aria lets out a sigh of relief, running after the group. Michonne and Aria slam the door shut, their breathing heavy. As Aria's blue eyes scan over the room, her jaw clenched and her body tenses as she sees James in the back of the room. My life is fucking amazing. She thinks to herself as she rolls her eyes, moving away from the door just as walkers begin to bang against the wooden door, their claws scratching against it.
Michonne and Rick rush up the stairs with Deanna in their arms, leaving Aria alone with Carl, Ron, and James. As Aria begins to make her way up the stairs, James grabs ahold of her wrist, preventing her from moving any further. "Hey — whatare you doing?" Carl asks, stepping forward, his eyes narrowed as he stares down the older and bigger man. James lets out a huff before backing away, sending a deadly glare towards Aria, causing her to slightly cower away. Swallowing back the lump in her throat, Aria presses her lips in a thin line before sending a thankful look towards Carl.
He nods and Aria darts up the stairs, away from James' intense stare. If James were to do anything, she realizes her group has her back no matter what and that comforts her. She peeks in through the door, her lip in between her teeth as her eyes scan over Deanna's pain-filled face. "I just finished up the leg and that seems to be the worst of the —" Michonne trails off as she moves the bloody rag, revealing a walker bite. Aria steps into view, a shaky breath releasing from her peachy lips. Deanna looks towards Rick and Aria, her bottom lip quivering as she struggles to hold back the tears forming in her eyes. "Well — shit."
♚ ♛
Aria rushes down the stairs, her knife clutched tightly in her hand as she watches Rick and Jessie struggle to hold the couch against the door, walkers banging strongly against them. "Go get more furniture!" Rick demands her and she nods, racing back up the stairs and darts into a room, looking for anything that can be useful. Just as she finds a desk that can be helpful, the door closes behind her and she turns around, her eyes narrowing as she makes eye contact with James. This dude is an idiot.
She clenches her fists at her side, glancing down at the gun at her waist. "Move." She growls, walking forward to push past him but he shakes his head, shoving her back into a wall. His body presses against hers and he pulls the gun out from her holster, pressing it against her head. "Now — you can be like my brother." Flashbacks flash through her mind as her body freezes and she clenches her jaw, her blue eyes darkening. His free hand gropes her breast and she growls before shoving him back, a gunshot ringing through the air as Aria dunks down to the ground. Pulling out her knife, she leaps forward before pushing James against the wall, the gun flying out of his hand and clanging against the ground. With her knife pressed against his throat, fists bang against the door, desperately trying to get into the spare room.
Aria, you don't want to do this, this isn't you. With a battle going on in her mind, James takes his chance and pushes the female off, his body diving towards the gun as Aria slams against the ground, the blade of the knife slicing through her pants leg. Before she has a chance to stand up, James stands above her, the black gun pointed at her head. "Do it — Ihave nothing else to live for. You supposedly killedmy boyfriend, you're ruining my life. Do it." Aria growls, her eyes narrowing into slits. She can hear the banging stop for a few seconds before continuing, this time louder and harder.
"According to you, I deserve it. So pull the damn trigger!" She snaps, her jaw clenched tightly as her body trembles in anger. She hates him, she hates his brother. James presses down on the trigger, only for the gun to click. She knew the gun was out of ammo but he didn't. Raising her arm, Aria releases the knife as the blade spins through the air, striking James through the eye before he has a chance to do anything. As his body fall limp to the ground, Aria stands to her feet, looking over the dead body, the door slamming open, only to reveal, the group looking at her with wide eyes.
♚ ♛
Aria stands frozen as Michonne covers her with guts from the two dead walkers. She had killed someone and she can't get that out of her brain. Something inside of her had snapped — itwas like a switch being flicked on. All she knows is that it wasn't her fault James's brother had died. His brother was the fuckboy that attempted to harm her, but failed miserably. She had called the police and the brother killed himself before the police came — Aria witnessed it and it had put her in a deeper, darker place. She doesn't want to return there again, but it's like a repeat of what happened, only this time, Aria does have the blood on her hands.