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A SLIGHT BREEZE flows through the air as Aria twirls a pen in her hand, trying to form a plan in her mind. The group had convinced he that they need to do this. That if they don't do this, the Saviors could come and kill one of them. Aria doesn't want that. She wants her group to live, they deserve to live. So, the only logical thing for her to do is make a plan and help them even if it's taking away the last of her humanity.
Daryl stands across from Aria, his back pressed against the wall as he watches Aria think. He can see the gears turning in her mind, her eyes glued to the white piece of paper below her. He likes how her fingers fiddle around with her necklace when she's nervous or concentrated. He notices how her blue eyes squint when she struggles to comprehend anything. He notices the small things and he loves it. He's content with her.
Aria has gained a bit more weight since they've been with Alexandria, she hasn't been trying to starve herself like she used to. She doesn't feel the need to anymore. Daryl doesn't judge her weight, he likes her for her. Sometimes, she gets confused on why he loves her but then she brushes the doubt off like dust.
Feeling eyes on her, Aria raises her head and meets Daryl's stars, her eyebrows pinched together in confusion. "What?" She asks him, chuckling lightly as he shakes his head. Shrugging her shoulders, Aria looks back down at the paper, the pen tapping gently against the brown desk. Aria realizes that this whole time, she's been protected. She's had a group to protect her no matter what. That makes her doubt her ability even more. She wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for her family and group, they have saved her countless times. She's just another person to be protected and she doesn't want that. She doesn't want to be weak and vulnerable.
♚ ♛
Aria sits next to Daryl, eyes glued on Rick as he stands before everyone, explaining their situation at hand. She's pretty much done with the plan, she just has to make a few.. adjustments. She can see the hesitant faces around the room and all she wants to do is assure them that everything will be okay. But she can't. She's not even sure everything will be okay. This plan she's making, can turn out bad and end in death. This group just has to be ready for anything.
"If anybody objects, here's your chance to say your peace." She has tried objecting, it doesn't work. Her group won't budge on this, the only solution is to join them with this fight, they need all the help they can get. The floor creaks loudly and Aria turns her head, her eyes meeting Morgan's hesitant gaze. Morgan is a nice guy. He and Aria both somewhat have the same mindset. They both don't like killing. The difference is, Aria will kill people for her family.
"You're sure we can do it?" Morgan asks and Aria glances back at Rick, an eyebrow quirked up. Morgan looks around before shifting all his weight onto one leg. "We can beat them?" Aria runs her tongue over her dry lips, moistening them. She hopes they can beat them, if they don't, that means death for them. Her fingers interlock with Daryl's as she turns back around towards, worry evident in her blue orbs. "What this group has done, what we've learned, what we've become, all of us — yes i'm sure."
"Then all we have to do is tell them that." Morgan replies back to Rick, narrowing his dark eyes at his friends. "Well, they don't compromise." A frown makes its way on Aria's face as she blows out a breath. They don't know these people. How does Rick know they don't compromise? He doesn't. "This isn't a compromise. It's a choice you give them. It's a way out, for them and for us." Aria nods, eyebrows furrowed as she listens to Morgan talk. He's right and Aria wants to side with him real bad. "We try and talk to the Saviors, we give up our advantage, our safety."
Aria begins to argue with herself in her mind before taking a deep breath, her heart beginning to race quickly. "W—why do we have to choose violence though? Why do we have to kill them?" Aria nervously speaks up, eyes raising up from the ground to notice the many eyes around her. Maybe she shouldn't of spoken up. She feels like the eyes on her are judging her and she hates it. She sinks back in the pillar she's sitting in, her cheeks turning bright red. "No! We have to come for them before they come for us. We can't leave them alive." Rick snaps and Aria flinches back, her arm retracting back towards her side. She can see he's getting agitated, she doesn't want to be around when he blows up. Pushing herself off the seat, Aria sets down the two pieces of paper before moving past Daryl. A saddened look on her face.
Before Daryl can reach for Aria, she rushes away, her head lowered to the ground as tears build in her eyes. She hates being scolded or snapped at, it's embarrassing and makes her feel stupid.
A U T H O R look at our saddened smol bean.
also, i am so sorry i haven't updated in a month or so. don't get me wrong, i still love the walking dead but it's not my main fandom right now.. does that make sense?
anyway, i'm not sure what i'm going to do about this book. part of me wants to keep it going because i love aria and i know you guys love it but the other part of me is giving up on it. like, i have about 20 more chapters already written that i'll post, i'm just not sure what i'm going to do after that. :/