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A SHOVEL FURIOUSLY digs down into the ground, pulling up grass and wet dirt

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A SHOVEL FURIOUSLY digs down into the ground, pulling up grass and wet dirt. It has been a few days since everything has happened and it sure has taken a toll on Aria and her mind. She can feel herself slowly returning back to that state of mind she despises so much. She just wants everything to return back to normal. She wants all these walkers to be gone and people to return back to their old selves.

But, some people were changed for better because of this apocalypse. Like Daryl for instance, he was a broken soul living a horrible life. Now look at him, he's a survivor and he's loved. Aria wipes away a bead of sweat off her forehead, a frown appearing on her face as Daryl fills her thoughts again. Negan could've killed Daryl by now and that scares Aria.

Throwing the shovel onto the ground, Aria plops down on the wet ground, not caring if her pants get wet. She misses him. She misses the way his eyes would squint when he would try to comprehend something or how his arms wrapped protectively around her at night. She's like a child missing their teddy bear.

A body hovers over her and she raises her eyes, blue eyes meeting brown ones. "You need to rest. You're working yourself too hard and that isn't good for the baby." Michonne sits down next to Aria, her elbows resting on the top of her knees. "The baby is going to be fine." Aria grumbles, leaning back on her palms as she gazes up towards the cloudy sky. The sky is representing her mood now perfectly. She's cloudy. She doesn't want her sunshine showing so she's hiding being a cloud of anger.

"You should've stayed at Hilltop with Maggie and Sasha." Aria scoffs, her head shaking. She may be pregnant but that isn't going to restrict her from doing anything. She's not sick, she doesn't have to stay at Hilltop. "No, my place is here." Michonne sighs, wrapping an arm around the feisty female. Aria nibbles on her bottom lip as she struggles to hold back the sadness from overflowing.

"It's okay. You can talk to me." Aria's jaw trembles slightly, her body turning towards Michonne with tears evident in her eyes.

"What if they've killed him? What if they're torturing him? I can't do anything about it and I hate that. I'm just sitting here — doing nothing, while he's probably suffering."

Michonne's lips part slightly as she listens to her friend pour out her thoughts. "You're carrying his baby, that's what you're doing." Aria closes her eyes as she lays her head on Michonne's shoulder, her lips pursing to the side. "That's not enough." She whispers sadly, feeling like she's being useless.

"Daryl doesn't even know that I'm pregnant."

♚ ♛

Aria stands in her house, her eyes staring down at the notebook in front of her. She's exhausted but she can't fall asleep, her mind won't let her. It won't shut off. Glancing back at Judith, Aria sighs lowly before rubbing her temples, a headache forming.

The door swings open and slams against the wall, causing a flash of pain to shoot through Aria's brain. Holding back a cry, she raises her eyes up to see an unknown man step into her house; his eyes roaming around it. As his eyes land on her, her eyes widen a bit more as she slides out of the barstool, taking a small step back. Her weapons are across the room and to get there, she'd have to jump over her couch and dart across the coffee table. His eyes roam down to her neck and a smirk crosses his face as he takes a step forward, which only causes Aria to advance backwards.

"Give me those," He gruffly states, pointing to her neck. Her hands fly up to her chest and she pats around until the finds the things he's looking at; her two necklaces. She shakes her head violently, her jaw clenched in anger. These two necklaces mean the world to her and no one is going to take them away from her. "I said — give them to me." As the man walks up faster, Aria darts into the living room and leaps onto the couch, only for the man to grab her shirt and pull her down to the ground, her back slamming against the hardwood floor.

A scream escapes her lips as pain shoots through her back and down her legs. Wrong move, Aria. The man crouches down beside her to grab the necklaces and she bolts upright, her hands landing on his chest as she shoves him backwards. "Get away from me." Aria grunts, her hands slapping harshly against the man. "What's going on here?" Aria freezes at the sound of the voice, her heart beating rapidly in her ears. He's not supposed to be here, not yet.

Aria turns her head, the blonde hair that was in her face now falling back into place. "She wouldn't give me the necklaces around her neck. She won't cooperate." Aria clenches her jaw as she sends a deadly glare up towards the man. She just wants to punch this guy so hard right now. Rick begins walking over towards her to help her up and Negan shakes his head, stopping her leader in his tracks. "No, she's a big girl." Aria draws in a deep breath before grabbing onto the back of the couch and pulling herself up, wincing once a pain soars through her back.

Once fully turned around, her blue eyes scan across the room and they land on someone she misses dearly; Daryl. They can see the emotions in each other's eyes and right now, Aria wishes they couldn't. Because the emotions that are clear in Daryl's eyes hurt her. "Holy fuck! You're pregnant." Negan exclaims and Aria turns towards him, her breath hitching in her throat. The pregnancy test is evident in his hands and Aria's lips part slightly as she lowers her eyes down the ground. This was not how she wanted Daryl to find out. She knows he's going to be mad, it's obvious. And now, she can't comfort him.

"Who's is it, Rick's? The creepy ass priest's kid?" Aria shakes her head, eyes raising up and trailing over towards Daryl's body. Negan's mouth falls open as he looks between the man he took and Aria. "Damn. You two fuck each other? Holy shit." Negan lets out a laugh as he leans back slightly, joy and disbelief on his features. A frown appears on Aria's face as her cheeks turn red, embarrassment and anger coursing through her. "Look—i'm sorry I took your baby daddy away from you. But he's mine now and if you don't cooperate, Daryl here, is going to be losing something." He pauses, a smirk on his face.

"Well.. two things."

Aria closes her eyes as she blows out a breath, frustration beginning to seep through. "Now." Aria bites her tongue before opening her eyes, her arms raising up to unclip the necklaces. She feels the necklaces loosen around her neck and she hesitantly holds her hand out, her eyes glued to the stone and the arrow. I'm sorry Andrea. It's all she has left from Andrea and now she has to give it up. Suddenly, it feels like another piece of her has left and it brings tears to her eyes.

oop.. daryl found out. also the two necklaces that she had around her neck was from andrea and daryl. if you remember, whenever andrea was dying, she gave aria the arrow necklace. the other necklace is the one with the blue rock from season 3 where michonne said it looked like daryl's eyes, daryl had given aria that rock as an reminder of him.

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